ch. 9

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It's been a couple of days since I last saw fonz and Im really starting to miss him, we've been texting eachother non stop. he really is somebody I've always dreamed of.

Chris's thoughts get interrupted by a phone call. Chris jumps from his seat with tingles of excitement hoping it's fonz, he looks at his phone and sees "bestfriend fonz." He immediately picked it up.

"Hey Bruvvvv how are you?" Chris asks. They have a solid conversation for about ten minutes catching up on everything.


"So Chris, the bestfriend tag went live today, do you want to come over and watch it with me?" fonz asks.

"YES YES YES OH MY GOD YES... *cough* I mean... yeah I would love too!" Chris giggles. fonz then joins and they laugh for about two minutes. They were just happy.

"When do you want me to come around?" Chris asks.

"Well... now! I miss you" fonz giggles. "See you soon!" Chris replies as he hangs up the phone.

Chris places his phone onto his bed and just smiles and he thinks to himself.

'I've never been this happy before, fonzie is so special to me and I never want to lose him. fonzie makes me happy and I really like to be happy. Happiness feels good.' his thoughts were disturbed by a notification, Chris looks down at his phone and smiles as he reads the message. It's from Fonz.

"See you soon bruv. <3" Chris then replies "you sure will! 😁" he smiles. and thinks again. 'Happiness.'

• Jamison, soph, Ellie - May & Ayesha.

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