Chapter 1: The King

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°Avarie King- She's an outcast, hated by many, and to top it all off, she's a lesbian; and very open about it. No one at Lux High School is very accepting of the LGBT community. The Hated King of Lux High.

°Ella Angel- An athletic volleyball player who can't come to terms with her own sexuality. She hides her insecurities by pointing out others. The Angel of Lux High.



Avarie mustered all her will power to get out of bed that morning. She groaned, running a hand through her dark hair.


She brushed her tangled hair and her teeth then pulled on the same jeans she wore the day before. No one will know, she thought. A black tank top and the same old leather jacket and Avarie was done. She grabbed her backpack and keys then headed downstairs, straight out the front door, "I'm gone!" She yelled through the empty house, not waiting for a response before slamming the front door.

A clean, 2009 Softail Deluxe Harley Davidson motorcycle with custom paint and chrome laced steel wheels. She was a sexy bike, indeed. It was Avarie's dads bike before he died. Avarie inherited his bike, his motor shop and everything else of his. That didn't sit right with her mother but Avarie couldn't care less, her mother was partially to blame for the death of her father, even if she'd never admit to it.

Avaries took the bike to and from school, work, and back home everyday and occasionally to Dmitri's house. She took her seat on the gas fueled machine and tucked her hair in the helmet and snapped it under her neck (because safety is cool, kids). Avarie revved the engine, bringing the bike to life and skillfully backed out of her driveway, out on to the open rode.

This was Avaries favorite part of the day, riding on her bike, feeling the wind against her skin, the hum of the motor. It made her feel like she was riding with her dad again... She sped down the roads, past familiar buildings and through school traffic. It was always congested before and after school.

Avarie took a deep, reassuring breath before turning into the school parking lot. She weaved through bigger cars and trucks and followed her path to her parking space. She's had the same parking space all year, no one bothered to take her parking space for fear of being punched or kicked by her but that didn't stop anyone from abusing the space itself. Her name was spray painted on the curb and next to it were some foul slurs, stuff that she hears everyday: jerk, bitch...lesbian.

With a sigh, Avarie slid her helmet off and snapped it to the handlebar of her bike and looked at the curb sideways. She pouted a little in fake sadness before rolling her eyes a lightly laughing. She was standing and lifting her bag on her shoulder when she heard the loud thumping of a car radio rolling through the parking lot. She looked over to see a black truck parking across from her, out of it stumbled nearly half of the football team. Honestly, how five buff guys fit themselves in a truck is a mystery to Avarie.

They we're loudly hooting and hollering over the music, climbing into the bed of the truck to get their stuff before one of them noticed Avarie. A tall blonde with piercing green eyes yelled at her, "Hey, King!" He slapped his friends shoulder to get his attention.

Avarie sighed, a small smile gracing her lips, "What is it now, Jackie?" She readjusted her back pack on her shoulder and walked closer to the boys.

Jackie smiled, "You coming to the game Friday?" He threw an arm around his friend and hit his chest, "Lively, here, is finally getting his ass off the bench, isn't that right?" He laughed. The other guys joined in cheering for his friend, slapping his back and shoulders.

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