2; Briller au regard que j'ignorais

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"So, to get this straight... You are a signer from Los Angeles and your concert here was supposed to be yesterday??" I asked her, trying to sum up what she was telling me as the waitress left. We had just ordered a little something to eat.

"Yes. And my name is Amber Liu, by the way.." She added with a grin. "I don't know if you've heard of me or anything, but..."

I actually haven't really heard of her, since her face still seems unfamiliar to me. Maybe her music has played before in the public places I've been to or on the radio at home but I can't remember or identify it. Although her features are quite fascinating to look at. I've never met a girl who wears boy clothes before..even though some girls do that as I know and that's okay. I find it so interesting on her and on someone in person. It's unique and captivating...

"I realized I wanted to ask for your name earlier but didn't get to.." Amber's voice pulled me out of my thoughts as she spoke again. Oh yeah that's true...I hadn't said my name yet.

"Oh.." I chuckled. "My name is Park Sunyoung, but you can call me Luna. My friends like to call me that." I finally introduced myself as food came to our table.

"Luna... That's cute." She smiled. I find her smile very pretty for some reason.

"Anyways," Amber continued. "I flew here in a private jet with my manager, but I think it got stolen about an hour after we landed. The plane was completely missing and my manager was too. Just like everybody else! But that's not the strange part..."

"Oh dear..." I reacted, still listening.

"As I was stranded at the airport, I got a phone call from my manager, Terrance. He barely spoke a word at first, but I could hear weird noises in the back. Until he told me something like 'We're flying somewhere' and 'Take care of yourself. Find help.' Before he hung up.."

"Yikes...that is strange." I agreed. It sounded like maybe her manager was kidnapped or something. How awful.

"Yeah...I'm very worried and lost at the moment. This is my first European tour and I've never been to France before. Luckily, I managed to find a hotel last night despite that I didn't know where to go or what to do for the concert."

I sighed, feeling sorry for her. It seemed like she was in a complicated situation.
Back home, I lived in a house close to my parents. I was hesitant to ask this girl if she'd maybe like to come over and stay, since my so called 'fiancé to be' Andre was planning to come visit the next morning. Though I knew; that girl was lost. She was in need of help.

"Would you like to come stay at my place? For now?" I asked. "I can see you need help and I have some space in my home."

"Really? I mean...I wouldn't want it to affect how busy you might be but that's very kind of you.."

She sounds warm, and sweet. Helpless but sweet.

"Don't worry, we can go pick up your stuff from the hotel since you probably don't have a car. I'll drive you."

"Okay," she replied. "Um... Thank you, very much."

I just noticed, she bit her lip. Why did I feel affected by that small action? She's just so...intriguing...

"My pleasure." I was honestly a little delighted to have invited someone like her to my house. Not because she was famous or any of that, but because of how interesting she seemed to be.

Later on, after we finished eating and talking about our interests and many other things, we got into my car and drove to pick up her luggage. Then we finally arrived at my house, where I set up the guest room for her.

Hello! I apologize for any grammar mistakes I might've made or might end up making, and if these first chapters are slightly too short. Even though I am busy, hopefully I will have enough time and motivation to post more soon. I rarely get so many ideas when it comes to writing but this one seems like a story I will stick to continuing. Seeya soon!

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