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Some people can see life,

As just a fun time.

I never did,

To me it was a crime.

A crime to live life,

Where the torment never drops,

Where your heart always breaks,

And the rain never stops.

Where people make fun of you,

And mess with your head,

Making you pull the trigger,

Your skull full of lead.

Where your mirror reflects,

What you hate most,

Your body that is,

So incredibly gross.

Where you harm yourself,

Just for a distraction,

Making you happy for once,

And loving the action.

Where you constantly think,

About a way out,

Maybe hanging yourself,

And leaving no doubt.

So you see,

Life isn't just a breeze.

For me at least,

Everyday it's getting harder to breathe.

A/N: Written by @edattilo . If anyone else has any poems or writing they want me to put in the book feel free to message me and I'll put it in :) Also, sorry I'm the worst at updating, school has just taken over my life and this entire winter break I've been MIA on all my socials. I'm gonna try to update at least once a week from now on and I think I'm gonna end the book at 200 parts ??? I'm not sure yet but I'll definitely be updating more soon. Love you guys my inbox is always open so message me if you'd like :)

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