You Didn't Even Notice I Was Gone

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"Good morning sexy," Dean said, slapping Claire on the ass.
"Good morning to you too," she said giggling. Dean wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his head on her shoulder.
"Whatcha doing?" He asked, and she turned around to face him.
"What does it look like I'm doing?" She asked, resting her hands on his chest.
"Making pancakes," he said, smiling down at her. She leaned up and kissed him.
"I'm glad your vision still works," she laughed, and turned back around to flip her pancake. Dean took his hands from her waist and slowly slid them lower, but before he could get too low, she pushed him off. Dean gave his best puppy dog face and she laughed and rolled her eyes. "Do you want me to burn the pancakes?" She asked, taking the ones on the pan and putting them onto the stack on the counter.
"What's this about burning pancakes?" Jade said, walking in with Maddi.
"Dean, if you make her burn those pancakes I swear to god I will cook you into one." Maddi teased. Claire finished pouring more batter into the pan and turned around.
"That's not much of a threat, he'd be a cute pancake." She said, smiling up at him.
"Thank you," Dean smiled back and kissed her.
"He'd be a gross pancake, he'd taste like alcohol and cheap motels." Maddi said, pulling orange juice out of the fridge. Jade laughed.
"That's one nasty ass pancake," she added, pulling plates out of the cupboards.
"I'd still eat you," Claire said, winking at Dean. Dean gave Claire a predatory smile.
"Okay, gross." Jade said, shaking her head.
"I don't think I want to eat anymore," Maddi said, putting the orange juice back in the fridge.
"Yeah because now I'm thinking about Claire eating dean, and ew." Jade and Maddi look at eachother and shake their heads in disgust.
"Like you don't do that to your boys," Claire said. Jade looked over at Dean and Claire.
"Oh I do, you just don't hear me talking about it when people are trying to eat."
     "It's not my fault you aren't comfortable talking about Sam that way." Claire retorted.
     "Talking about me in what way?" Sam asked, walking in and eyeing Jade. Her face turned crimson and she turned to help Maddi set the table.
     "Great timing," Dean laughed. "Well, good luck explaining this one Jade." He said, starting for the door.
     "Where are you going?" Claire asked.
     "The library, I'm gonna go catch up on research before breakfast so Mr.KnowItAll over there will get off my ass." Dean teased.
     "But I'll miss you," Claire argued, giving her best pouty face.
     "No you won't," Maddi objected. "I'm sure you can stand not seeing him for 5 minutes." Claire gave Maddi a death glare and turned back towards the door to find Dean gone.
     "I actually hate you," Claire said. Maddi winked at her.
     "I love you too. Now turn back around and don't burn those pancakes, momma's starving." Jade walked towards the cupboard and grabbed herself a cup, but before she could turn around, she felt Sam pressed up against her back, trapping her between him and the counter. He snaked his hands around her stomach and hugged her tight, burying his face in her neck.
     "Good morning beautiful," he mumbled. Jade shifted so that her stomach wasn't pressed against the counter so hard and sighed into Sams embrace.
     "Good morning handsome, how are you?" She asked. He released her, and she whimpered at the loss of his warmth. She set the glass down on the counter and turned around.
     "I'm good, but a little curious about what Dean was saying when I walked in, care to explain?" He asked. Again, Jades face burned crimson and she looked at the floor. Slowly, she tried to scoot away, but Sam quickly grabbed the counter at either side of her, trapping her once again. "Oh I don't think so." He said laughing.
"He was just teasing me. You know Dean, he likes to give me a hard time about you." She laughed, trying to play off the situation. Sam turned around and backed up, smushing Jade against the counter. She laughed and beat on his back. "Let me go! Sam! Get off me!"
"Would someone like to tell me what is actually going on?" Sam questioned the room.
"I will." Maddi said, hopping up from her seat at the table.
"Don't you dare!" Jade yelled, and Sam pushed her further into the counter.
"Jade is too embarrassed to talk dirty with you around us."
"You bitch." Jade glared at Maddi. Sam let Jade go, and she grabbed her glass and rushed for the table to take her seat. Sam watched her as she poured herself a glass of orange juice, and quickly took out her phone.
"Jade." Sam said, trying to get her attention. She ignored him and tried to look busy on her phone. "Jade, I'm talking to you," Sam tried again, but with no luck. "Jade, be a good girl for daddy and please look at me." He said in a low, silky voice. Jade choked on her orange juice and looked up at Sam. He smiled at her. "That's much better. Now do you have anything to say?"
"I.. um, well" she stuttered. "I'm sorry, I just... I don't know."
"That's alright, we can have this conversation later." He winked at her.
"Umm, well pancakes are done." Claire said, trying to change the subject.
"I'll go get dean," Sam said and he left for the library.
"Well damn, that was unexpected." Maddi muttered.
     "You made it happen!" she yelled. Claire put the pancakes in the middle of the table and sat down next to Jade.
     "Calm yourself. It was bound to happen at some point." Maddi took a seat across from Claire and laughed.
     "I don't know why you have to be so shy. If I can openly flirt with Cas in front of my brothers than you should be fine."
     "Will Cas be joining us?" Claire interrupted, trying to change the subject once again.
     "He should be, I asked him too." Just then Sam and Dean walked into the room. Dean took his seat next to Claire, and kissed her on the cheek.
     "Miss me?" He teased.
     "Very much." Sam walked over to the seat next to Jade and sat down. He put his hand over hers and squeezed it. She looked over at him and he smiled, and she returned it.
     "Can I eat now?" Maddi blurted out. "Or do I have to wait for you all to stop eye fucking each other?"
     "Just fucking eat, Maddi." Jade snapped. Everyone grabbed pancakes and started digging into the food.
    "Mmmmm, this is amazing babe" Dean said.
     "Don't speak unless you've swallowed your food. No one wants to see that shit." Maddi scolded.
     "Oh that's my angry little human." Castiel said, causing everyone to jump. "I didn't mean to frighten you all, my apologies."
     "Hey Cassie." Maddi said, smiling up at him. He leaned over and kissed the top of her head before sitting besides her.
     "Hello sweetheart." Conversation at the table flowed smoothly, going from how people slept, to an upcoming case, and finally to plans for dinner.
    "Maddi, you should make your potato and leek soup." Dean said, picking up his plate and taking it over to the sink. Maddi followed with hers and Castiels plate, although he didn't eat much.
     "That takes forever though."
     "Yeah, but it's amazing. Please?" Dean begged, giving Maddi his best pouty face. She rolled her eyes and pushed him away. "Hey careful there, I don't want to break our plates."
     "I'll make the soup if you'll shut up." Maddi laughed. She scraped Castiels plate off over the trash and put the plate in the dishwasher. Then she closed and started it. "Alright, washing up is done. What now Dean?"
     "I don't know," he said. "I was going to go work on Baby, make sure she's working smoothly before we hit the road in a few days." Maddi walked over to the coffee machine and poured herself a cup. Dean walked over to the fridge and grabbed her creamer and handed it to her.
     "Well aren't you being a nice brother for once." She teased, taking the creamer and pouring some into her coffee. "What do you want?" she asked, sitting up on the counter.
     "Why do I have to want something, can't a brother just be nice to his little sister every once in a while?" Maddi narrowed her eyes and glared at him. Dean cracked. "Fine, you've got me. There's been something I've been meaning to ask you." Dean shifted nervously on his feet.
     "Shoot." Maddi said, taking a sip of her coffee.
     "So me and Claire have been talking, and we have done pretty much everything in the books to... you know, shake things up in he bedroom." Dean started.
     "Oh for fucks sake." Maddi mumbled, suddenly very uncomfortable.
     "Everything but, a um... well." Dean stammered.
     "Let's just get this over with. Just say it."
     "A threesome. But I don't want to have one with you, or Sam, because... that's awkward. And sick. And Jade would be too scared to do it, so we thought Cas would be a good person to have, I don't know... come join our team?" Maddi burst out laughing.
     "This isn't football, Dean. There's no teams."
     "Do I have your permission to ask Castiel or what?" Dean grumbled, obviously embarrassed and annoyed.
     "If you can get him to agree, then go for it." Deans gaze shot up at Maddi.
     "Seriously? You're going to agree that easily?" Maddi jumped off the counter and put her coffee in the microwave.
     "Yeah, Cas is very shy most of the time when it comes to things like this. If you can get him to agree, and go through with it, maybe you can loosen him up a bit." she said. Dean perked up a little.
     "Well, alright. Awesome, I'll go track him down and talk to him about it." Maddi waved goodbye to Dean as he left the kitchen and turned back around to the microwave.
     "Well that wasn't awkward at all." She mumbled to herself.
                                   • • •
     "Dinner was amazing," Dean said, smiling over at Maddi. She nodded her head in thanks and started picking up plates. Cas followed close behind her. She looked up at him.
     "You alright there Cas?" She asked, cupping his face in her hand. He leaned into her touch, and closed his eyes. She put the bowls down and grabbed the other side of his face, and he opened his eyes and stared down at her.
     "I'm alright," he said, smiling. She smiled back, and stood on her toes to give him a quick kiss on the lips. She leaned back, and stared into his eyes. "You have very beautiful eyes" he whispered and she blushed.
     "They are just plain old blue, same as yours." She said.
     "But yours shine. I can see your sparkling soul behind them, it's probably the most beautiful thing I've seen." Maddi jumped up and kissed Cas again. When the kiss finally broke she leaned into Cas and he held her in his arms.
     "I love you Cas."
     "I love you too, Maddi" Dean walked up to Castiel and grabbed his shoulder. Maddi pulled away from Castiels embrace and he frowned down at her.
     "Hey buddy, it's getting late and Claire and I were gonna head to bed." Dean said, patting his shoulder and he started to walk away.
     "I'll be right there." Castiel said. Maddi understood what they were talking about and turned to the sink, trying to busy herself with cleaning out bowls. Castiel turned to face Maddi again, but her back was turned. He debated on whether he should say anything, but decided it would be best if he didn't. It was already an awkward situation, he didn't want to make it worse. He slowly made his way to Deans room, and hesitated a second before knocking.
     "Come in" Dean called from behind the door. Castiel opened it and found both Claire and Dean sitting on the bed. He walked in and closed the door behind him, and made his way to the chair beside Deans bed, and stared at the floor. "Well, um." Dean stuttered. "I guess we're doing this."
     "I guess." Claire said. Everyone sat there awkwardly for a second, before Dean stood up. Dean pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his tan skin underneath. Claire smiled up at the sight, but Castiel just awkwardly shifted in his seat. Claire walked around the bed, and started to kiss Dean. After a few seconds of that, Claire noticed Castiel was just sitting there. She stepped away from Dean. "Castiel, stand up." She demanded. Cas looked up at her and did what he was told. "I want you and Dean to undress eachother." She said. Deans face twisted with discomfort.
     "No way in-" Dean started to object, but Claire cut him off.
     "You won't do it, no balls." She teased, crossing her arms. Dean glared at her.
     "It's not that I won't do it," he glanced over at Castiel, who looked absolutely lost. "It's that... I don't know if our guest would be comfortable with it."
     "Castiel, would undressing Dean be a problem for you?" She asked.
     "Well, it seems we are going to do a lot worse after the undressing so
I don't see how it's that big of a problem." he said. Deans eyes went wide and he stared at Cas.
     "See Dean, Castiel makes a very good point." She said laughing. "Man up Dean and give Castiel some love." She said winking.
     "Whatever, I'm gonna get you back for this." He said. He looked over at Castiel, and awkwardly walked up to him. "Take off your coat Cas, stay awhile."
     "No, nice try. Take it off him. The more gay the better." She taunted. Dean rolled his eyes and pushed Castiels trench coat off his shoulders, and it fell to the ground.
     "Another coat?" Dean groaned, looking at his suit jacket.
     "Take it off him." She said. "And try to act like you're enjoying yourself." Dean rolled his eyes and pushed Castiels jacket off his shoulders as well. "Wow you're really having a grand old time over there Dean, I can feel the heat from here." Claire taunted.
     "You know what Claire, fine." Dean huffed out angrily. Dean grabbed Castiel by the tie and pulled him into a bruising kiss. Castiel looked stunned, but soon decided to go along with it.
     "Holy shit."
                              • • •
     "Where the hell did everyone go?" Sam asked, sitting down and handing everyone their beers. Maddi took hers and opened it hastily, taking a long drink.
     "Dean and Claire's room." She said. Sam put his arm around Jades shoulders and she leaned into him.
     "Even Castiel?" He asked. Maddi nodded and took another long drink. "I'm scared to ask why."
     "They aren't doing what I think they are... are they?" Jade asked.
     "They're fucking eachother." Maddi said bluntly. All of them shuddered at the thought.
     "Well I mean, I always thought Dean had some kind of feelings for Castiel. I just didn't think he'd act on them." Maddi shot Sam a look. "Castiel still loves you way more than he'd ever love Dean, calm yourself."
     "It must suck to think about the fact that your eldest brother is boning your boyfriend." Jade added, giving Maddi a wicked smile. Maddi chugged the rest of her beer and stood up.
     "Do we have anything stronger?" She called over her shoulder. Sam and Jade laughed.
     "Of course we do, Dean lives here." Sam said.
     "And so do you, you know you give Dean so much shit about how much he drinks and then you turn around and drown yourself in just as much alcohol as he does." Jade teased. Maddi pulled a bottle of vodka out of the freezer and some orange juice out of the fridge and walked over to the table.
     "I don't need your intervention. I'm fine," she smiled and poured herself a drink. Both Jade and Sam nodded their heads.
     "Very convincing." Sam teased. Maddi flipped him off and took a sip of her drink. "Hey now, I'm only teasing you. Remember if I don't tease you, I don't love you." Maddi rolled her eyes and smiled.
     "Yeah I know our little motto. I don't need a giant moose in need of a haircut to remind me." Jade and Maddi laughed, and Sam pretended to be offended. Just as the laughter died down, Claire walked into the kitchen wearing Deans tee shirt and some shorts. She sat down next to Maddi and took her drink from her hand and drank it all.
     "What the fuck!" Maddi exclaimed.
     "Can it, I'm having a rough night." Claire said, pouring more drink into the glass. Maddi got up to get a new glass and sat down again.
     "I am too, why do you think I'm drinking?" Maddi argued, ripping the vodka bottle from Claire's hand.
     "You drink every night." Sam and Jade laughed.
     "Touché. But tonight I have a reason."
     "You mean other than your self loathing?" Claire teased, smiling at Maddi. Maddi laughed and flipped her off.
     "Yeah, other than that. How about the fact that my boyfriend just boned you and Dean?" She said, taking a long drink.
     "Your boyfriend is just boning Dean." She corrected, and everyone choked on their drinks. "I made the mistake of challenging Dean to step out of his comfort zone and be a little gay with Cas. Things escalated very quickly, and long story short, I'm here. I doubt they even noticed they're missing the third person in their threesome." Things at the table got awkwardly quiet. Maddi cleared her throat.
     "So our boyfriends are fucking.." she said.
     "Fan-fucking-tastic." Both Maddi and Claire raised their glasses. "To our boyfriends fucking" everyone awkwardly clinked their glasses, and conversation fell silent again. After about 20 minutes of awkward small talk between everyone in the group, Dean walked into the kitchen, and slowly sat next to Claire. He kissed her on the cheek and she got up to get him a beer. Right as she sat down Castiel walked into the kitchen and sat beside Dean and Maddi. Dean got up and sat on the other side of Claire. Castiel grabbed Maddi's hand, and squeezed tightly. Sam, Jade, Claire and Maddi looked between Dean and Castiel, who were avoiding acknowledging one another.
     "Sooo, how about that threesome, boys? Was I good enough for the both of you?" Claire asked, smiling and sipping her drink. Castiel shifted in his seat and Dean gave her a death glare. She batted her eyes innocently and gave a sly smile. "How about we do it again, same time next week?" She asked and Maddi and Jade laughed.
     "I feel quite uncomfortable discussing this topic." Castiel said quietly.
     "Was he better in bed than me?" Maddi questioned Castiel. His eyes shot up at her, then to Dean, and back at the table. "Ouch, I'm gonna take that as a yes." Maddi said, faking offense.
     "That's harsh, looks like you're gonna have to find a new boyfriend there, Maddi." Sam joked. Castiel stool up from his seat.
     "Madison will do no such thing." He said very sternly. Sam threw his hands up in surrender. "Let's go to bed Maddi."  Castiel took her hand and pulled her to her feet.
     "But I'm having a drink with the-"
     " You've had enough. Let's go." He dragged Maddi through the kitchen.
     "Are you sure you don't want to take Dean, I thought he was better in bed than me?" She teased. And with that they left the kitchen. All the attention went to Dean, who looked around at everyone at the table.
     "Never speak of it again." He said, taking a drink of his beer.
     "But-" Claire started but dean interrupted.
     "Okay, okay. Let's change the topic." Claire said.
     "Thank you."
     "You didn't even notice I was gone." Claire whispered, sipping her drink. Sam and Jade laughed.
     "Fuck all of you." Dean said, standing up from the table.
     "I think you've had enough of that with Castiel." Jade said, and everyone laughed harder.

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