Lost and Not Found pt. 2

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"I got a lead!" Sam yelled, and Dean ran to the laptop. "It looks like it was a red van that was parked in the garage at the house. Some of the houses down there have already been bought, but people are being asked to wait before moving in, which could explain why they had access to the house."
     "So is our house bought?" Dean asked.
     "Yeah, it looks like it was bought back in April by a man named David Remussa. Him and his family were scheduled to move in about next month, but it looks like no one has been able to get ahold of him or his family for the past week."
     "So do you think that could be our guy?" 
     "Maybe, I mean the attacks started up around last Tuesday, which is around the time contact with David here fell short. But get this, his family owns a farm up in Bangor, but it doesn't seem like its been used in years."
     "Bangor is only about 80 miles away, that's not too bad." Dean said. "Do you really think that's where the girls could be?"
     "Yeah, but not only our girls, but there might be others. When we took this case, we were only looking at the few murders that fit the criteria in our area, but in the past week, about 6 other girls from different parts of Augusta have gone missing. Which could explain why David didn't just kill Jade, Claire, and Maddi right off the bat. Maybe he's hiding them up at his family farm."
     "Well we're hoping he didn't just kill them."
     "Come on man, don't think like that. The only thing I haven't been able to figure out is why he would kill some, and take the rest up to the farm." Sam said, closing his laptop.
     "What about his family, have they all gone missing, or can we talk to some of them, see if he was acting weirdly before all of this came about."
     "Well, nevermind. That's another unknown. They haven't been in contact with anyone either."
     "You don't think he's got them held up at the barn too?"
     "I don't know, but that's gonna be my best bet." Sam stood up, and packed his laptop into its case. "Its only an hour drive to Bangor, give or take a few minutes. When do you want to leave?"
     "Right now."
                              • • •
     "Oh god." Maddi mumbled. "Jade? Claire?" No answer. Maddi started to open her eyes, but the light burned. Her head was spinning, she felt so light, like she was flying almost. "Jade, Claire? Please answer me."
     "If you could keep it down, that would be fantastic." Claire grumbled.      
     "Oh thank god, you're okay." Maddi said, straining to keep her eyes open. Everything looked off, bright, and...upside down?
     "I wouldn't go as far as to say im okay. My head hurts like a bitch."
     "Well you're responsive, so count your blessings." Maddi looked around, but her vision was very blurry. Her body felt almost numb, she felt as she was dangling.
     "Do you know where we are?" Claire asked.  
     "No idea, I have a headache from hell, and I am having trouble seeing."
     "Keep it down, or they'll come for us." a small voice from the corner whispered.
     "They're upstairs, I can hear them. When they leave we'll explain." Said another voice. This one sounded older.
     "Why can't you just explain now?" Jade said.
      "So you are alive." Maddi said, slight annoyance in her voice.
     "I'm serious, be quiet." The older sounding voice said. Steps above the girls sounded to get nearer, and the girls shut their mouths.
     "What are we going to do with the three new girls downstairs?"
     "Same thing we are doing with the other 6, we are draining them."
     "You know who those three girls are, right? Are you trying to get us all killed, David?"
     "No, are you? Listen, those boys won't know where to look, we'll be fine."
     "And if they know?"
     "If we drain them quick enough and get out of here, they will have nothing but a few dead bodies to find. Now shut the hell up and go do your damn job." The girls held their breath as the footsteps got softer, and they heard a door open and shut. The waited until a car engine sounded, and drove off.
     "Where are you two?" Jade asked.
     "Can't you see?" Claire struggled to get out of her binds, but she had no such luck.
     "No, I don't know where my glasses are." She scoffed.
     "Well, I'm tied to a chair, so I won't be much help." Claire said.
     "Wooden or..?"
     "Feels too strong to break, I'm stuck."
     "Damn it." Jade said. "What about you Maddi?" Maddi struggled to look around."
     "I don't know... everything looks upside down. And my headache is making my vision blurry and shit." Small whispers from the corner of the room filled the air, but none of the girls could make out what was being said. "What? Please, talk louder, if you know something I don't, then tell me. We can help."
     "You're being drained." The older sounded voice said.
                               • • •
"Should we tell Castiel?" Dean asked.
"Well that is Madison's boyfriend, so we probably should." Sam pulled out his phone and started to dial the number.
"He's gonna make a big deal out of this." Dean said.
"He would smite us if we didn't, anyways he could help." Sam warned. Dean turned the corner onto a dirt road and started to look around.
"He should have gone with them in the first place."
"The plan wouldn't have worked." Sam said.
"It didn't work anyways." There was a slight silence in the car. "Or we could have made him be near by, just something. But instead I made them go on their own and now they're gone."
"You can't blame yourself for this. It wasn't your fault-"
"Yes it is." Dean said coldly. "I was the one who constructed the plan, I drove them to the neighborhood, I let them step out of the car, I drove away, and I couldn't get us back in time to save them. I'd say this is my fault. You said it yourself at the motel, this is on me."
"I was in the heat of the moment. We are all a little to blame, don't put this whole thing on yourself." Dean only seemed to get angrier despite Sams attempts to calm him.
"How the hell are you and Castiel to blame for this? This was all me!" Dean yelled.
"I should have told you as soon as they called. I should have known something was up, but instead I stood there and waited a few minutes until I heard trouble. Castiel could have easily flown there and helped them in a second. But we were all under pressure. We weren't thinking clearly. Don't blame yourself for this." Sam reached over and grabbed his brothers shoulder. Dean looked over to Sam, and then back at the road.
"If something awful happens to them, I don't think I'll be able to forgive myself. I've done some pretty shitty things to some pretty shitty people and things but-" Dean started.
"Dean, I know. I already have enough on my plate, but adding the responsibility of those girls pain, I..." Sam hung his head for second, and looked out the window. Dean could tell his baby brother was choking back tears.
"Alright," Dean cleared his throat. "How about we give Castiel a call before we get there." Sam wiped a tear from his face and looked over to his brother. He nodded his head and pulled out his phone and dialed. After a few rings, Castiel answered.
"Hello Sam."
• • •
"What the fuck does that even mean?" Claire yelled.
"Your friend is probably going to die if we don't get out of here quickly." The older lady stood up and walked over to the girls.
"Like hell she will!" Jade yelled. "She's a Winchester!" The lady stepped back from the girls and the room went silent.
"Winchester?" she asked.
"Did she stutter?" Claire asked, obviously annoyed and angry. The woman walked over to Claire and untied her from her chair. Claire sprung up from her seat and rubbed her wrists. The woman walked over to Jade and untied her as well, and then handed her her glasses.
"You had these the whole time?" Jade asked, yanking the glasses out of the womans hand.
"No, they were only 2 feet from where you were seated. You're very welcome though." Jade stood up and walked to Claire. "So your friend is a Winchester, huh?"
"Yeah, why?" Claire asked.
"Does that mean she can help us?" A smaller voice in the corner asked. Jade and Claire looked over and saw a small girl sitting with a boy who looked slightly older than her.
"Is she the Winchester sister?" The lady asked.
"Again, yeah, why?" Claire asked again.
"So I'm assuming you two are the girlfriends of the brothers?
"What's with all the questions lady?" Jade yelled.
"The men- or they aren't men anymore, they were talking about how the Winchesters were spotted in town a few days ago. We heard the whole run down, the Winchester brothers and sister, their angel friend, the king of hell who seems to always be ready to lend a hand, although he always pretends to hate it, and two girls who are rumored to be dating the brothers. You guys seem to deal with things like this a lot, don't you?" Claire and Jade stared at the woman and looked at eachother.
"Um, yeah it's kind of our job." Claire said.
"Well then I have another question."
     "Shoot, I guess?" Jade said.
     "Can you save David?" the woman's collected manner seemed to break before the girls in that moment, but as soon as it broke, it was back, like nothing happened.
     "Care to elaborate?" Claire asked, slightly regretting the tone she used. The woman was obviously a little fragile, no matter how much she tried to hide it.
     "David is my husband. I... I don't even think I got the chance to introduce myself, I'm Anna Remussa. David is my husband, about a week and a half ago he started acting really strange. He would be up all night, out of the house, I could never get ahold of him. After a couple of days, maybe a week ago, he came home drunk and angry. Very angry."
     "Keep going." Jade said. Anna looked down at the floor. 
     "He came into the kitchen where I was picking up from dinner and he started to yell at me. I was completely taken aback, because after days of hardly talking, or not talking to me at all, he decides to act like a dick. At one point, he threw me up against the wall, and it knocked some frames off. He went to hit me and I dodged it, but cut my cheek on one of the nails. He got super weird after that... he grabbed my face and-" Anna stopped and ran her hand along a cut on her cheek. Jade and Claire looked at it, this being the first time they noticed it. "He grabbed me and the kids and forced us into the car. He bound us up, and drove us to his family farm in Bangor, that's where we are now. He's kidnapped six other girls besides the kids, you and I. Two of them are already gone, sadly." Anna's voice cracked, and her eyes started to water up.
     "What happened to the girls?" Jade asked.
     "Let me think, were they drained by any chance?" Maddi guessed. Her voice came out cracked and almost as a whisper. The girls whipped around.
     "Fuck, Maddi I'm so sorry, I forgot about you for a second there." Claire said running over to her. "Bring me the chair, I can't reach her binds."
     "That's not a good idea," Anna said, but neither of them listened. Jade pushed by Anna and grabbed the chair, but Anna pushed Jade to the ground and took the chair. She threw it up against the wall and it broke.
     "What the fuck, Anna?!" Claire yelled.
     "You never answered my question! I told you what you needed to know, now tell me, can you save David?!" The little girl in the corner started to cry. Jade got up from the ground and started to sneak behind Anna.
     "Anna, I'm so so sorry, but David can't be saved. He's a vampire, he's turned, there's nothing we can do for him now except for put him out of his misery." Claire said. Anna backed up a few steps, and rage clouded her face.
     "That is my husband, there is no fucking way in hell you are laying a finger on him unless it's to help him!" She yelled.
     "That's not your husband anymore, Anna. The real David is dead." Jade bent over and picked up a sharp piece of the broken chair, and made her way over to the kids. "I know that it's a hard thing to come to terms with, trust me. But the only thing we can do is to take him out so he doesn't hurt anyone else."
     "No-" Anna mumbled.
     "Please, Anna. Help us take Maddi down, let's go find the remaining 4 girls and take your kids and everyone outside. We can escape." Claire said.
     "If you refuse to help my husband, then there's no way in hell I am helping your friend." Jade guided the kids up to their feet, and moved them into the corner of the room near the door.
"Anna, your husband is beyond saving, she still has a chance!" Claire argued.
"You're friend can die for all I care. And you can join her!" Anna sped forward and swung at Claire. Claire dodged her and Anna stumbled, but caught her balance again.
"What the hell!" Claire yelled. "We are only trying to help!"
"No you aren't! We aren't all bad people, and here you are, trying to kill us off!" Anna screamed. Jade looked at the kids who were still crying.
"Did your dad do anything to your mother?" she whispered. The kids looked up at her and nodded.
"Anna...? What does that even mean?" Claire asked. Anna started for her again, but Claire ran over to the broken chair, and bent over to grab a piece. But before she could grab it, Anna pushed Claire down, and pinned her to the floor.
"David didn't ask for this to happen to him! I didn't ask for this to happen to him, or to me! But there's nothing we can do now but try to survive. It's the assholes like you who try to ruin that for us! We have lives as well! David still needs to be around for his kids, his kids need him! And I'm not letting some bitch ass hunters ruin that for us!" she yelled. Claire struggled under her weight, and landed a punch to Anna's face. Her head turned, and again Claire saw the scratch on her cheek. Claire's gaze fell lower, and spotted a bite mark on her neck.
     "Anna, did David turn you?"
     "Who fucking said you could speak?!" Anna yelled. Maddi was slipped back into consciousness after being out for awhile, and struggled to look around. She saw Anna on top of Claire for a split second, before her head came with another wave of pain, causing her vision to fall blurry once again.
     "For fucks sake." Maddi mumbled. "When I get down-" another wave of pain hit Maddi and she groaned loudly. "When I get down from here... your ass is mine, bitch."
     "Maddi!" Claire yelled, sitting up slightly, but Anna pushed her back down.
     "Shut the hell up!" Anna yelled. Jade handed the sharp piece of chair to the boy.
     "If your mom comes near, use this to defend yourself." she whispered. The boy nodded his head and his sister buried herself into his side, and he held her tightly. "You're very brave, did you know that?" Jade whispered, and the boy gave a small smile up at her. She returned the smile, and slowly made her way over to Maddi.
     "David has already chosen to let the monster side of him take over, don't let the same happen to you!" Claire said. "You've still got human in you, you can still fight this!" Jade started to pull things off of Maddi, and looked for something to stand on.
     "Jade?" Maddi asked.
     "Shhh keep it down." Jade warned. "We're gonna get you down from here." Jade looked around and found an old crate nearby, and tried to push it forward, but it was loud.
     "David is NOT a monster!" Anna screamed, and hit Claire across the face. "You know nothing about us, you can't judge us for what we are, what we do! We are trying to live in this world, same as you!"
     "I'm gonna have to do this, one way or another. Might as well get it over with." Jade mumbled to herself. Jade pushed the crate the few feet to Maddi and frantically scrambled up on top of it. She looked over to Anna, she hadn't noticed. She quickly started to untie Maddi, and as soon as the last knot was undone, Maddi dropped to the floor with a loud thud. Anna quickly turned to find Maddi lying on the floor, and Jade jumping down from the crate.
     "You just don't know when to quit, do you?!" Anna yelled. She jumped up from Claire and started for Jade and Maddi, but Claire grabbed her by the foot and pulled her to the floor. The little boy threw the piece of chair to Jade and she caught it.
     "Take the kids upstairs, I've got Anna and Maddi." Claire said.
     "That's a lot to handle Claire-"
     "The kids don't need to see this, they're in danger! Take them, now!" Claire yelled. Jade kicked down the door and picked the little girl up and took the boys hand.
     "MOMMY!" the little girl yelled, and Jade ran up the stairs.
     "How fucking dare you?!" Anna yelled, getting up. "I'm gonna kill you, and I'm gonna finish off your little friend over there. Then I'm going to make sure Jade and your little boyfriends never see another day again."

There will be a part 3 so please keep reading. I hope you guys like this book so far.

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