Chapter Twenty-Nine.

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(Disclaimer: this story and its characters belong to J.K.Rowling.)

Song: Gooey by Glass Animals.

This is the penultimate chapter.

-R xxx

Harry was lost amongst the students as he moved through the corridors. The lessons for the day were drawig to a close, and so crowds milled throughout the school, some heading to their last lesson, some departing it.

Harry, himself, was making his way to Charms. He hadn't seen Ron and Hermione in a while, he realised, as he weaved a path alone through the wizards and witches around. He suspected that part of him had been avoiding them- he didn't know how or when he was going to tell them about Draco. He could imagine how the conversation would go:

'Ron, Hermione, I have strong feelings of romance for Draco Malfoy, my arch-nemesis.'

'You're disowned as our friend.'

Harry managed a smile to himself as he thought about it- but inside, he knew that it would go down a lot worse than that. There would probably be lots of yelling, and swearing.

So engaged with his thoughts, Harry almost missed the voice that was calling his name from behind him. Blinking, he turned, scanning the crowds- and saw Professor McGonagall, cutting a clear path down the corridor towards him.

Harry had to admit, he immediately felt wary. However, reluctantly, he came to a stop, waiting for her with a slight frown.

"Potter." McGonagall came to a stop in front of him. Harry noticed her sharp gaze, sweeping across his face, searching him. "I...suppose you're feeling better now, yes?"

Harry, surprised at her tone of compassion, shifted, before answering,
"A bit. I think I'm getting better." He replied, completely honestly.

"Good." She replied, looking disconcerted for a flash of a second, before regaining her usual curt demeanour, "I need to talk to you. Yourself and Mr Malfoy, actually."

"Oh." Harry said, slowly, heart suddenly picking up pace. He glanced behind him, "I- I have Charms class, Professor."

"Don't worry about that. I'll give you a note." Came the brisk answer, and without waiting for him to say anything, McGonagall turned on her heel, heading towards her office at the end of the passageway.

Harry, feeling suddenly worried, followed her.


As McGonagall lead the way into her office, the gargoyle turning to let them in, it was soon revealed that the room was not in fact empty.

Draco Malfoy was sitting in one of the seats, looking extremely unimpressed. "Professor," he began as soon as she entered, "I have History of Magic, so...." But he trailed off when he saw Harry walking in behind her.

Chewing his lip, Harry slid into a seat next to Draco, once again avoiding any of the portraits hanging up around. His stomach threatened to flip, but he kept his eyes determinedly anywhere else but the walls.

Draco and Harry exchanged a brief glance, before looking back at McGonagall expectantly.

There was a moment's silence, in which the headmistress sat down opposite them, and cleared away some papers from her desk.

Tension hung in the air, and Harry watched with slight amusement as Draco's expression got gradually more and more impatient.

Harry reminded himself briefly to show Draco a thriller film, just to see how he would deal with it.

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