The Very Beginning

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"Ah, Germany" said Brad excited for his new journey. This was his very first stop on his trip all over Europe. "What can we find here." Brad finding out how hungry he was want too his hotel unpacked all of his stuff and went to find something to eat.

 He found a decent looking pub and went inside. He asked the waiter his name, and he replied "The names Tyrodin, but my friends call me Sean,"replied the strong looking man"what will we be having tonight"

 Brad looked through the menu and found something he liked." I'll have the [insert German food here], and a beer to drink."

"Fine choice good sir" said the waiter and he walked off.

10 minutes later

Brad's stomach roared like the mountain lions of the mountains he was to climb tomorrow."Man I'm starving" said Brad as Tyrodin put the Australian's food down.

"So, where are from good sir" asked the bulky waiter.

"I'm from Australia" 

"Whats an aussie like yourself doing here in Germany"

Brad replied "I'm going to explore the caves and mountains all over Europe" Brad started to wonder if Tyrodin was a climber too "I'm looking for people to join me on my endeavor."

"Sounds more fun than wearing nice clothes and dealing with rude customers politely, you know what count me in, I'm tired of this place" The waiter went to the managers room and walked to the employee changing room walked out in some older more comfy looking clothes. Tyrodin asked "when do we leave."

"2 days from now at 10:00 am."Said the slightly shocked brad, still pondering the events that just happened before him.

"Sounds good, let me have your number so we can communicate."

"Okay 123-456-7890."

"Wow, that's a very generic phone number" 

"Don't question the writer"

Yeah don't question me

"Sorry o great and powerful writer, please forgive me" said Tyrodin.

I'll forgive you just this once. Don't do it again.

"Sir yes sir."

Now let's continue.

Time skip to next morning. In Brad's Hotel.

Brad had a wonderful night's sleep. He didn't even know beds could be this comfy. Then he heard a knock at the door. 

"Good morning Mr. Brad." said the feminine voice from behind the heavy door, which muffled her voice. "Would you like something for breakfast."

The conveniently dressed Brad opened the door to see a nice looking lady in a hotel uniform with blue hair and eyes, her name tag read Neptune.  "Well thank you Ms. Neptune." 

She handed him a plate of pancakes bacon, 'ooh bacon' Brad thought, and orange juice, Brad thanked her, and she said "have a nice day" and walked down the hall with her tray of food to the next room. Brad thought she kinda looked like Marge Simpson, but swiftly pushed it aside and forgot about it.

Brad ate his food, which was extremely good especially the bacon, and got ready to go looking for supplies and maybe a few friends to join him in his journeys throughout the mountains of Europe

My very first story and over 500 words. Wow. I don't know what to say it was an experience

If I get before 10 views I will write another chapter this weekend. 

Also I will not post commonly during week days because of school.

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