Chapter 11

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Like a dimwitted fool, Dottie stood there in surprise and confusion when Sterling's mouth settled firmly atop hers in a demanding kiss and drew forth a response she should have denied to any man except Martin. It was as though the planets aligned and the heavens sang.

Their frantic heartbeats skipped to the same rhythm. Sterling's arms clasped her in a tight embrace, which she returned by enthusiastically wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing his mouth more firmly against her own. She'd never experienced such bliss before in her life.

For over twelve years, they'd been close friends; but never once had Sterling alluded to wanting to kiss her in such a way. He always had his eye on Melissa Packard, a voluptuous redhead with a brain the size of an acorn.

When they were sixteen, Dottie had seen them stealing a kiss behind the woodshed at school. Melissa later went on and on about the heavenly rapture she'd experienced while in Sterling's arms. Dottie had wanted to gouge her eyes out.

But she understood the fuss now that Sterling held her while his mouth moved against hers, weaving a spell. The only problem was, she was marrying Martin. Sterling didn't even like her that way—or so he'd told her multiple times. What was he doing kissing her this way, making her want to melt into a puddle of desire?

She tore her mouth away with a gasp and slapped him again, ashamed he had been able to garner such a passionate response out of her.

Holding a hand to her mouth, she cried, "Why are you so cruel? Do you have any idea how much I-" Shaking her head, she covered her mouth and stared at him.

How could it be possible that even now she wanted to proclaim her love for him? He'd ripped a scab off and rubbed salt into a wound she thought long since healed and forgotten. Tears streamed down her cheeks when she whispered, "I hate you, Sterling."

Grabbing up her skirts, she tore away from him and ran to the only place she could think of that would set her at ease. She needed to see Martin, to have him remind her of where she wanted her heart to belong.

She raced to his parent's store, knowing he would be working there. Out of breath and nearly hysterical with panic, she pulled Martin aside, "Meet me behind the store."

He frowned and followed. "What's got you so upset?"

Dottie shook her head. What could she possibly say? He'd never understand. The last thing she wanted was for him to get into a fight with Sterling. "It's nothing...will you hold me?"

Martin quirked a brow and pulled her into a tight embrace, "Are you nervous about the wedding? Mother says it's completely normal."

Clenching her eyes shut, Dottie settled her arms around his waist and waited for the panic to ebb. But instead, it grew worse.

This felt wrong; being with him, having his arms around her—everything about it was horribly wrong. Needing his lips to erase the burning Sterling's kiss had left, she pulled Martin's mouth down to hers.

Martin pulled back and looked at her askance, then placed a brief, chaste kiss to her lips that had her ready to scream in frustration.

She tried again, holding his mouth to hers to deliver a firmer kiss.

He chuckled and pulled away, "Now Dottie...a kiss like that will have to wait till we get properly wed."

From that moment on, Dottie worried their relationship and eventual marriage were headed for disaster. One month later, a week before Martin and Sterling were meant to leave for the war, she and Martin married.

Sterling stood as best man but refused to meet her gaze; which was fine with her since she couldn't bear to look at him either. She hadn't seen him at all during the weeks leading up to the wedding—a dramatic change from being practically inseparable since they were children.

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