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INJUSTICE is more than a book of poems it's HIS everyday life.

From being hurt to being told he's not good enough. Especially being made to feel INJUSTICE. But in the end he will find a way to realize that he not what people say he is.


EVERY time I hear that voice I get cut by their sharp words

Scars is what you give me

Scars is all you give me

Whenever I just hear that voice I go running from the knives but they always cut me.

At the end of the day when I'm alone

I just look at your horrid gift that you gave me from your knives

I see my scars I see them everywhere they will not go your words won't ever leave me alone

Why must u be so cutting

Does it make u happy when u see my scars. I guess so

So I just keep on running and running until your knives catch me again

When they finally meet me

They cut me everywhere

They cut me in my heart they cut me in my soul and you just don't care

But then there will be the day when you just went to far and your knives stab me, they kill me

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