Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

~{Eleanor's POV}~

"Eleanor! Get up! Time for school!" My mom yelled. I threw my pillow over my head and tried going back to sleep. "Eleanor Jane Sky! Get up right now!"

I groaned, "I'm up! I'm up! Geez." I mumbled. I trudged out of bed and into the shower.


After I got out of the shower I changed into a Purple Sweetheart Neckline High-Low Dress and put on black Flats. I put in some eyeliner and mascara and brushed my teeth. I grabbed my phone and my backpack and ran down stairs.

"Hi mom!" I yelled. She winced and laughed.

"Why are you so loud?" She asked.

"It's Friday!" I yelled. She laughed again. I ate a strawberry and hugged my mom. "I'll see you later! Bye, love you!" I walked through the front door and to my car.

I started my car and drove to school.


I got out of my car, grabbing my bag, and closing the door. I locked it and started walking to school. I was scrolling through my Instagram when I bumped into someone.

"Hey watch where you're-" I stopped talking when I looked at who I bumped into. I didn't know who he was. But he. HhWas. Cute. "-Oh I'm sorry. I-uh wasn't looking sorry."

He laughed, "Its okay. You're cute. I'm James. James Grey." I smiled.

"Are you new? I've never seen you around before?" I asked. But now that I look at him. He seems familiar...

"I'm new here. Today's my first day. I'm a senior." He said.

"Me too! What are you're classes?" I asked. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. I looked through and made a weird face.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Hm? Oh nothing. It's just that you have the exact same classes as I do.." I mumbled.

"Isn't that a good thing?" He winked. I blushed.

"Well, let's go to first period then!" I chirped. He chuckled and followed me. We walked into Mr. Grey's History Class. We walked up to Mr. Grey.

"Hey Mr. Grey! This is.. James Grey..." I introduced.

"Oh I know. He's my younger brother." He laughed. Mr. Grey is really young to be a teacher. He's 24. He's really cool. But there brothers...

"Woah.. Okay then.." I mumbled. James laughed.

"How ya doing bro?" James asked Mr. Grey.

"Good, you? Oh and Eleanor go sit down okay? I need to talk to James." I nodded and went to my seat.

I stared at them two. They looked like they were in a serious conversation. What caught me off guard was that they kept glancing at me.

"Okay class! Everyone, this is James. And he is new today." Mr. Grey introduced. "Okay, James. You'll be sitting next to.. Eleanor." I looked up when he said my name. James walked over and sat next to me. I heard a lot of the girls mumble something about me or James. "Okay, Today I'm partnering you guys up for a new project!"

We all groaned.

"I know, I know. I don't want to give you guys it either. Trust me-" he leaned down and whispered "-I didn't like this stuff either. But if I don't give it to you guys, I will get my butt whooped by Principle Kane." I laughed.

"Okay. So. Partners are... Ashley and Katelyn. Craig and Luke. Eleanor and James-" I stopped listening after that. I'm partnered with him too? Well. Then. "-Okay, get together and talk about what your going to do."

I turned to James who was looking around. "You okay?" I asked.

"Hm? Yeah. So. Who's that girl?" He said signaling his to the side. I looked at where he pointed and saw Ashley making googly eyes at James.

I rolled my eyes, "That's Ashley Hale. She's- "

"Helloooo there cutie." Ashley walked up to James.

"Uhm hi." He answered.

"Why don't you hang out with a real girl?" She asked, gesturing to herself, her boobs popping out of her shirt. I scoffed. She glared at me.

"Okay." James said. I felt a little betrayed. "Now if you can go, I want to talk to her." He said, smiling then looking at me. I smiled at him and blushed. Then smirked at Ashley.

"Whatever." She turned around and went back to her clique. I giggled to myself.

"She's a little-" he started.

"Iffy? Yeah. I know." I mumbled.

"Well you're so much better than her." He said. I smiled.

"Don't mind me asking.. Do I know you from somewhere? I feel like I've known you before." I asked.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2014 ⏰

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