Stylists, Mentors and Journeys Away

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Twelve trains stood lined up at Hogsmeade station, waiting to take the twelve sets of tributes away from the town. Umbridge waddled to the the front of them all, "On the train you will meet your mentors. They will be your guides throughout the Games. One for each pair. Mr Malfoy and Miss Parkinson first if you will." she gestured to the first train and they hurried onto it.

Fred hadn't got a chance to say anything to George before he'd been ushered onto a train and now he sat quietly, waiting with Angelina in one of the clean compartments. The door opened and a squat man with a dark frown strided over to them. "Stand up." he commanded. Angelina stood quickly, Fred just looked up, snapping out of his thoughts. The man glared at him, "Weasley, right?" Fred nodded. "Did you hear me?" He snarled.


"Do you know who I am, Weasley?"

"Not a clue." Fred grinned, "I'm Fred, nice to meet you."

The man's eye narrowed, growing darker as he spoke, "I'm your mentor Weasley. I'm the one that's going to be your one life line while you're in that arena, you really think you should get on the wrong side of me, eh?" I'm the one that can get you sponsors, I can get you help. And mark my words boy, I won't be doing that if you're going to try and be a smart arse. In fact, I'll laugh when they bring your body back." He paused, his lip curling in fury. "Now. Stand. Up."

Fred sighed loudly, rolling his eyes but he got to his feet, taking satisfaction in the fact that he stood a good few inches taller than his mentor. The man turned to Angelina, "And who are you?"

She cleared her throat, obviously nervous, "Angelina Johnson." she said quietly.

"Oh fantastic." The man said, heavy sarcasm in his voice, "Well aren't I in for a treat? I've got the class clown over there and you, who seems to have as much personality as a flobberworm."

"Oi." Fred said, stepping around to stand next to Angelina, "You don't actually know us. All you've done since you came in here is insult us and threaten to let us die."

"Yeah." Angelina joined in, "I thought you were meant to be helping us. You haven't even told us who you are."

The man watched them, his eyes flicking between them. "Interesting. Maybe you aren't hopeless." he smirked, "I'm Antonin Dolohov."

"You're a Death Eater." Fred said, recognising his name instantly.

"Did it really take you that long to it figure out?" Fred made no reply. Dolohov circled them, "Stand up straighter, shoulders back." Both of them obeyed this time, "Well you're a strong boy. Obvious advantage." he said to Fred. He turned to Angelina, nodding "And you look like you're agile. That could be useful. Okay sit down, lets talk spells and tactics."


With each word that Dolohov said, Fred liked him less and less.

"What about allies?" Dolohov asked, "Do you want them?"

"George." Fred said immediately.

"Which ones' that?" Dolhov frowned, thing through each tribute in his head.

"My twin." said Fred shortly. "I'll find Lee too."

"And I want Katie." Angelina told them. "She was the tribute picked with Lee, he's the one with the dreadlocks."

Dolohov nodded, placing them in his mind. Fred nodded, looking over at Angelina, "So, it'll be me, Ange, Katie, Lee and George."

"Not George." Dolohov said, "He won't help you."

"What do you mean 'he won't help me'? He's my twin."

"Thats the problem. Emotional ties. You've got another brother and sister in the games too, yes? Well here's my advice to you. Forget them."

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