Chapter 8

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I woke up in my room, making me quite confused. 'Was it just a dream?' That thought was soon tossed away when Brice entered the room with a tray. "Oh, your awake, good. I made you some dinner, you looked a little to skinny for my liking." Setting the tray down on the bed, he sat on he other side, staring at me. I nodded and grabbed the bowl. 'Here comes the questions.'

"Soooo....what just happened?"

'There we go.'

'There was no way we were getting out of this one. Might as well tell him everything.'

I sighed internally. 'Ok, I guess I should go ahead.'

Setting the bowl back down I sat up fully, wincing slightly. "I'll tell you but first, are your arms ok?" Brice glanced at his arms, which were covered by his long sleeved shirt. "Yeah, I cleaned and bandaged them after I brought you up here. They aren't that bad, he had terrible aim." he chuckled. I pulled him closer and slid his sleeves up. The bandages covering them were a deep red.

Carefully, I unwrapped them and hung my head. On one arm there was a giant gash that looked terrible. The other arm was just an angry red color where my father's grip was. "I'm sorry." I mumbled. "Quit apologizing, its fine. Its my own fault for following you home anyway. Just tell me what all this is and I'll call it even." I quickly wrapped his arm again and sat back. "Well....that man was my father. Me and him are both sorcerers. I'm more powerful though because I have a certain power. This power is the most searched for and desired magic known to the world. When I'm not using it, its in the form of a voice in my head who calls herself 'Crimson'. She's actually very nice and helpful but kinda annoying sometimes. Anyway, this clan of dark sorcerers attacked us when I was 6, trying to take me. Then..."

I stopped and composed myself. Its one thing to think about it but talking about it is way worse.

"When they came there was an explosion. My mother told me to hide and I ran to the basement." I continued explaining what happened 'that night', Brice's face a mix of emotions."....the power took over and I wont go into details because even I shudder at the thought of what I did. All you need to know is that I killed him, avenging my mother. I fell to my knees, the magic drained from my body. I blamed myself for her death, if I had just protected her she would still be here. If I had just not had this power or been born she'd be okay. My father blamed me as well, blinded by grief and anger, he started abusing me. He was scared and hesitant at first, scared I'd use my power but I never did. Again, I blamed myself and thought I deserved it."

Brice tried to interrupt but I sent him a glare and continued talking.

"I also became hesitant to ever trust anyone. In turn, everyone hated and ignored me because of my attitude towards them. They bullied me because I was 'weak', because I was emo, and most of all, because I'm gay. Yes, you heard me right." I glanced up at him, expecting him to be disgusted but what I saw in his eyes was....relief? I just continued my story, shrugging it off.

"When I came here I expected the same but you guys were so nice to me. It made me so confused but happy at the same time. But my father forbid me to have friends or like anyone so he attacked me when I came home today. Then you know the rest." Brice just stared at me, expression unreadable. "Wow, that's a lot to take in." he finally chuckled out. "But I'm glad you told me all of that." He leaned over the bed and hugged me, causing me to blush lightly. "Brice I-...."

He pulled back and stared at me with questioning eyes. I sighed shakily and closed my eyes. "You'll hate me if I tell you." I heard laughing and my eyes snapped open. Brice was doubled over, laughing like he just heard the funniest thing ever. I just stared confused until he finally calmed down, gasping for air. "A-after all your j-just told me." he gasped out before catching his breath finally. "You think after all you just told me that you could say something to make me hate you?"

'He kinda has a point, I don't think you admitting your love is much worse then telling him your a sorcerer with a voice in your head that embodies a great power.'

"Shut up." I whispered. "What?" I shook my head and sighed. "Just talking to 'her'." I looked up at Brice again and stared into his eyes. His beautiful blue eyes that shined brightly. Before I could do the cliché and lean in I snapped my gaze away and stared at my hands in my lap. "So what is it that I will 'hate' you for?"

"First I must know, do you have a girlfriend?"

"Uhhh, no. I actually don't swing that way, but still, I'm single, why?" he asked, confusion lacing his voice. Hope swelled in my heart and I smiled. "Then technically you wouldn't be cheating if I did this."

"Wha-?" Before he could say anything I crashed our lips together.


A/N- hehehehheheheeh....*slams face into desk* IM OK! anyway, that went a little fast, I know, SHOOT ME! jk, DUNZ KILL MEH PLEZ! Imz sorrehz but if you haz a problem then MOO TO YOU! If you don't like my illness induced writing then don't read it. again, jk, DONT LEAVE ME I HAVE NO FRIENDS! *falls out of chair*

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