Chapter 2

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**Comments..Im so speechless omg *****

Ellie's POV

The next morning i was actually was confident to go to school Because i think Niall will be the one who will be protecting me.Yay!!

Since my mom doesn't want me taking the bus and walking to school. She drives me which saves me a lot because you know how many punches and harassment could've have done to me? Like a million.

"Thanks mom" I said pulling her into a hug.

"I'll be at the hospital if you run into that pole again" I nodded and Smiled then climbed out of the car.

I covered my wrist with my jacket just in case Harry see's my cuts and he might even make my days worse.

People were giving me looks the usual I turned around and Harry was right behind me and he pushed me to the ground.

"Ha Loser..." He said laughing his ass off.Just so tired of this i wanna end this i wanna end it now.

I cried while everyone was laughing at me.

I felt someone hug me from behind i knew it was Niall.I turned around and hugged Niall back.We both got up and Picked up my books.

"I'm sorry i wasn't there for you love" He said in his thick Irish accent.

"I-i-i im fine" I said looking down.

He grabbed my arm and i quickly pulled it away.Hopefully he didn't see my cuts.

"You cut?" He asked.

The bell rang for class and i just left Niall there alone..Confused,Worried,and scared.

I walked in my class and of course Harry was in there I wasn't late which was good.

I took out my books and Harry came crashing next to me.

"Harry stop please I'm done with your shit" I said in my whisper voice.

"Then fucking change yourself change everything... your face the way you dress.." He said almost yelling the whole class looked at me and started laughing.Karma will come.

"Harry just leave me alone" I said.

The bell rang for class and Mr.Rameer came in looks like Im stuck with harry now.

"Ok Class today i'm assigning a project" Groans and Grunts were the only thing i heard from everyone even Harry.

"But" Mr.Rameer stopped and the whole class got quiet.

"I'm choosing you partners" I rolled my eyes at his what he calls "good news" He took out a piece of paper and started moving kids around the room to sit right next to their partners.

When he came up to me and Harry he looked at us.

"You two are partners so I don't need to move you to" My heart sank.Harry flashed me an evil grin.

"Your stuck with me bitch" He whispered.


Lunch came and Nothing new Happened except Niall decided it was best for him to sit at my table.

"Hi Love" He said placing his tray next to me.

"Niall I'm partners with Harry and I have no idea what to do" I said making him hug me real tight.Val was just staring at her lunch.

"I'll come over at your house if thats fine with your mom and dad" Niall said.My dad passed away.

"Yeah Uhm perfectly fine" He gave me a cheeky smile.


When school was over I met Niall at his car and we drove to my house.

"My mom isn't home she works at

Night also so" I said letting Niall in.His face was shocked my house looked pretty huge so I guess he was just amazed not shocked.

"Ok Well while we wait for Harry lets start homework" i nodded then right when i was taking out my books The doorbell rang.That must be Harry.

"Shit" I mumbled.

I walked up to the door and Harry was there with his bag and his outfit from school.

I let him in and his eyes widened when he saw Niall.

"What the fuck? Niall's here?" He said dropping his bag on the floor and shoving Niall up the wall.

"Harry fucking stop" I said breaking the two up.oh god.

Harry finally let go and he grabbed his bag left.

"Niall oh my god Im so sorry are you dead?" He smiled and i got pissed at him he was acting dead.

"Shit Niall don't scare me like that" I said letting go of his shirt.

Me and Niall just ignored the whole Harry thing and Did our Homework.After doing our homework me and and Niall decided to make our own pizza he's actually a good cook when he's hungry.

"Niall i only ate 2 slices and you just ate well basically the whole thing" I said.He laughed and he was looking at my arms.

"Tell me why you cut?" He asked while gathering up his things.

"Niall its better if i don't tell" I said.

He dropped whatever he was doing and walked closer to me.

"You can trust me" He said.His eyes were now locked onto mine.

"Niall just give me time i will tell you eventually" He nodded and continued to pack.This was so awkward.

"Well thanks" He didn't even hug me he just simply left me.Niall needs to understand that i couldn't just tell him things right away.

I slowly closed the door and cried then ran to my room.

I'm just gonna end my life

I can't do this anymore.


Hiii Sorry for the late upload but Im back with a new chapter!!!!

Thanks for the comment that someone gave me..idk if that was a compliment or something.

But at least someone is reading this.

Guess how many accounts i own.

And i'll tell you one of them!!i

Thanks tho for the reads ;)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2014 ⏰

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