Chapter 1

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You know who sucks? People. They lie, steal, and hurt each other. I mean, I'm not saying I'm better than any of them, but this is part of the reason why I try not to interact with them. It's better this way. They won't have to be uncomfortable by my unknowingly socially inappropriate comments, and I won't have to deal with the pain of conversing with humans.

The only people I interact with daily, mostly because I have to, are my parents. Then again, they do give me food, shelter, and clothes, so I don't mind them. I think I worry them sometimes. I think they wanted to have a normal child who has friends and actually talks to people. Instead, they got me. They would often try to set up playdates with the other kids in this town, especially when I was little, but they slowly started to give up on that after I would just ignore the bratty kids and do my own thing. I think they finally realized that I'm not going to change, especially with only two years, excluding this year, left of high school.

Or at least I thought they gave up, but the situation I'm in now seems to have proven me wrong. I zone back into the weird guy standing in front of me who came up and started talking to me about... something, I don't know, I wasn't paying attention. Why is he talking to me? Mayday! Mayday! I don't know what to do! No one at school talks to me; they all avoid me and that's the way I like it. My parents must have sent him to try to be my friend.

"So what do you think?" He asks me. I just give him a confused look and he replies with, "I said, hi, my name's Nathan and I'm new to this school and was wondering if you could show me where my classes are?" Oh, he's just new, never mind.

As usual, I just said the first thing that came to my mind. "Why would you want me to show you your classes?" As I gave him an 'are you kidding me' look.

He smiles brightly at me, tilting his head slightly causing his light brown, wavy hair to fall over part of his face. "Well... because you seem nice."

"Well I'm not. Ask anyone at this school." I continue walking to my next class, science.

But he just follows me. "Wait! Please? I need to go to room 213."

I look at him and see him give his best puppydog eyes. I angrily sigh and respond back, "First off, that stuff doesn't work on me, second... that's right next to my class..."

Just before I look back in front of me, I catch a glimpse of his bright, green eyes lighting up. "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you! See, you are nice!"

I don't look at him as I start walking up the stairs, "Tch, you don't even know know me. I don't think you can come to that conclusion yet."

"Well, then how 'bout I get to know you then? Then I can come to a conclusion." He says while trying to keep up with my fast pace.

"No, I don't like human interaction. this conversation is already tiring me, I don't need more." I say as I see my class. Right before I walk in, I point to the door right next to it, "There's your class, ya freak."


Lunch time: the time I can eat food and read books. I sit down at the small table in the corner of the lunch room where I usually sit. Alone. I get out my lunch and half finished book and start eating and reading.

"Come in!" Thomas called, not bothering to check who it was when-

"Whatcha readin?" Someone asks, interrupting my focus.

I angrily look up at the person and glare at who it is. Nathan. That little- I look away and take a deep breath to try to calm down. Once I was calm enough to not punch him, I look up to find he sat next to me. With his lunch... What the heck is wrong with this kid?! "What are you doing?" The question was laced with venom.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2017 ⏰

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