Chapter 34

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"Nicole," I said, sliding through into our room, finding her lying with her face down into her pillow and jolting every few seconds, her body was struggling to breathe. "Nicole, sweety -" I started, and sat down on her bed as she flung herself up and sat up right. "- watch it." I said, catching her before she fell off the bed.

"What?" she whimpered, as she looked down at the other letter she had gotten, from my cousin.

I followed her eyes as smiled. "I came to check on you...why don't you write him?"

"What?" she asked, through tears.

"Honey, maybe you need to let someone in, maybe not Fred or Blasie, or even me or Amy, but honestly, I would rather it be Blasie. He is an awesome listener.." I explained smiling to her, and patting her knee. "...I wanted to apologize for both, Amy and myself for not defending you before."

Nicole just sniffed and whipped her nose and then took some tissues and blew her nose then whipped even more tears away. I felt so bad for her, I couldn't help, but frown.

"I'm also for accusing you for having a thing for Fred." I said, frowning even more. "You have to understand that I've - "

"- never had friends. Never have been trusted, and you yourself have never trusted people?" she said, through a runny nose. I tilted my head to the right and grinned.

"You know me so well." I giggled as she smiled. "Go on though," I said, leaning over and handing her the letter from Blasie. "write him. He will listen and he knows how to keep his mouth shut...I promise."

"I hope you're right." she smiled as she pulled me into a hug and nudged me. "You need to write yours, i mean it is almost"

"Good point." I nodded as i left her alone to write my cousin, as i went to write my own man. I found a quiet spot near the living room, where a desk sat and i saw it had some things carved into the desk;




"Weasleys." I smiled, shaking my head. I honestly found them amusing, they were so loving at one point, but at the same time, they try to look out for their own. What a family. "Anyway..." I said to myself as i pulled out a piece of parchment and a quill with the a thing of ink. I bit my lip as i thought of what to write.

This was Draco Malfoy, I'm writing to here, it had to be perfect. I grinned thinking of his other letter.

I really miss you El.

I can't believe we haven't gotten together before hand.

i grinned as i began to write him a true letter back;

Draco Dearest!

I do miss you as well and i apologize for my prior letter being so short and was just about the meeting, not about us(: Which i love that thought. I'm sorry i didn't come forward with my feelings sooner, it was just you always had another girl on her arm and i couldn't compare to them.

I do ask a favor though, would you mind telling me, at Hogwarts that is, who is the new person on Black's mission? I would like to know, just in general. She is my best mate and i'll do anything i can for know we need to get together. Not just me and you...I'm talking me, you, Amy, Ron, Harry, Nicole and Blasie...that wouldn't work though.

Ah, i guess just wishful thinking. I just wanted to send you this and say I'm thinking of you, always and i miss you. I simply, can't wait to see you when we return to Hogwarts and i hope all is well. I do say, that it is good we have a low amount of letters going in and out, no suspicions right?

I hope not.

with Love,


I smiled and kissed it before folding it up and sending an owl off with it.

"Elena, can i speak to you for a moment..." came a voice from behind me. I turned to see it was Potter. I rolled my eyes mentally, i was still getting use to being on the 'good' side if you will. "...can i ask you something?" he asked, once we were outside.

"What?" I asked, sighing into the conversation.

"What is Malfoy up to this year - ?" He asked, and my eyes widened at this question.

" - Do you honestly believe i will answer that?" I shot back, almost right after he was finished asking.

"You have to know," He slung back as my eyebrows rose and my hands lifted their selves to my hips and i felt my Slytherin boiling at the surface. "don't you?"

"As a matter a fact, you can give me a truth potion right now and i would tell you the same thing," I said, seeing his eyes widened slightly, as if he had that as a backup plan. "I don't have a clue."

"I don't believe you." smirked Harry and attempting to leave, but i saw something sparkle in his hand, that he had behind his back. I snatched it and as i did this, Harry yelled, "Hey!?"

"Hey!" I winked and took off, off the porch and a few steps into the yard, with Harry right behind me and i flung it as hard as i could. "There it goes."

"Why the fuck would do you do that?" yelled Harry, turning to me after watching it land on the ground and shatter.

"Look Potter, we're on the same side now." I explained, shoving him into a building that the Weasleys had out there for their vehicles. I drew my wand and shoved it into his throat. "I may be with Malfoy, your enemy, but that doesn't make me your enemy. You need to take a fucking chill pill, you got me?"

"Y-Yeah!" He stuttered, throwing his hands up as i released him. "Why should i trust you though? I had my suspicions you were a deatheater, but all this just confirmed it."

"Well the Weasleys are protecting Amy and I so don't worry your thong about it." I spat, as he eyed me oddly. "Do you not know an insult when you hear one?" I questioned.

"Feisty are you?" he asked, rising and eyebrow.

"It comes with being a Zambini." I smirked, turning away from him watching the grass move like waves.  "And a Slytherin."

"Well, can i say that you nor Nicole need to be messing around with Malfoy or Blasie..." He said, and slide his hands in his pants pocket.

I slowly turned and glared at him.

"You know, i don't like don't like me, or Amy, or Nicole." I sighed, stepping up to his face. "But that gives you no FUCKING right to easedrop, you little cockroach!"

"Well how can i trust you if i don' guys shouldn't even be here, i won't be apart of anything with you three within it -" He started, but i interrupted him.

"- what about Nicole?" I asked, making him silent. "She is basically you're godsister. Your godfather's actual daughter. Because of you, Nicole is going through hell. Her father, when she met him, didn't really try to hang out with her, get to know her or anything. He was too busy protecting you, so if you ask me you're the fucking cause of Nicole's fucked up life. You shouldn't say shit about Nicole, and as far as Amy goes, she is your best mates GIRLFRIEND, get the hell over it."

"And you?" He asked, crossing his arms, waiting on more.

"I'm your worse fucking nightmare!" I spat, slapping the shit out of him and leave him to hold his jaw.

Fuck him!

That felt so good though! Although, i personally would have loved to do that to Mrs. Weasley, for the way she was treating the three of us earlier, but you know what? Harry deserved it.

I grinned, i had defended my best mates, i finally did it.

I was learning how to be a best mate.

I can't wait for the next person to trash either one of them.

With that thought i pretended punch a punching bag as i entered the Burrow for the new wonders that Amy was bringing to Nicole and myself.

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