Hello my name is Marc and I live with my sister Daisy, I love her so much she has kept me out of trouble my whole life...but then it happened...something i call "The Toxic Battle" that means whoever is in it is gonna die...and thats almost what happened...my girlfriend Satie left me for my best friend DJ...he is a douchebag all he does is say shes stupid and ugly..."Marc you've got a visitor" shouted Daisy "Ok" i yelled back....then Satie walked in crying i asked her what was wrong but all she did was jump on top of me....she said DJ was coming to kick my ass...i was always a fighter but DJ was a couple feet taller then me and stronger so i was scared...but ive fought worse, alot worse...i felt so strong but then he walked yhough the door and walked in my room...Satie pushed him back then he made the worst mistake ever...he hit her and threw her aside he knew that would piss me off thats why he did it.