What is Forever?

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Tony smiled, truly content, as he leaned up against Mike's chest. He was sat on Mike 's lap, engulfed in the taller boy's arms. 

You see, tonight the two were sitting up near the edge of their special little cliff that overlooks the city of San Diego, California. They had even carved their names into  two trees that grew closest to the ledge. It was the typical cliche' 'MIKE F + TONY P FOREVER' carved into the bark with a heart around it. The two were complete suckers for cliche' romance. 

The more Tony thought about the carving, the more his mind dwindled on one specific word; 'forever', which echoed throughout his head. 

It was a big word, not only in letters, but in meaning. When Mike carved that, did he truly mean forever? Did Tony want a forever with Mike? I mean, they had been dating since freshman year of high school. That makes it five years that they've been together now. Sure, they've had their ups and downs, they've had their fair share of arguments, but hasn't everyone? 

Tony looked up at the stars that glows so beautifully in the dark night sky above his head. 

He loved Mike with all of his heart and he was absolutely sure of it. That man was everything to him, and Tony did not say that thoughtlessly. No; he said that with a heavy heart full of love and a focused mind full of their best moments together. He meant every letter of those two words; 'love' and 'forever'. 

He then accidentally blurted out his thoughts, his base question, "Mikey, what does our forever mean?" 

"What do you mean, baby?" Mike asked, caught off guard by the question.

"What does our forever mean? Like, to you?" The shy boy repeated, playing with Mike's fingers. 

"Baby, our forever means until the end of time, as long as there possibly is. That means I love you and there is no way in hell I am leaving your side. Not even death will stop me from watching over you and protecting you. You are the center of my heart, as a matter of fact, you own it. It could never belong to anyone else. Our forever means eternity, and I damn well mean it, love."

Mike began to reach into his pocket, "Caesar Antonio Soto Perry, will you marry me? Pretty please be my eternity?" Mike asked, closing his eyes and taking in a deep breath in preparation for possible rejection. 

Tony's eyes widened and his breathing picked upas he reached for words, but to no avail. He was awestruck speechless. 

Instead he managed to let out a squeal and burry himself into Mike's embrace, hugging the bigger male tightly while nodding profusely.

Mike began to feel his hoodie wet with  Tony's happy tears, so he kissed his new fiancé's head and held him tighter as tears began to prick his own eyes. 

The man he had loved for five consecutive years is now his fiancé. They're going to be married! Tony is going to be a Fuentes! 

To Mike, there is nothing more beautiful than marrying the beautiful human being that holds your heart. With that thought in mind, he slipped the ebony ring (Image up top) on Tony's finger. 

"Tony, I love you sooo much." Mike said through silent tears. 

"I love you too Mikey, forever." Tony smiled through his own tears before crashing their lips together. 

As they lay there together under the stars. 


Hey there gemstones! I know this is kinda crappy, but it's a perrentes, which I am totally happy about. I can be too picky about the outcome though, because when I actually wrote this it was late at night. Until next time gems!

~Dee <3

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