How it all began.

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    It was a normal Saturday in rainy, Seattle. Hannah, Emily, Sarah, and Kendall were sitting down on their old, squishy couch. It normally rained here, so when it did, they were always playing their favorite video game. "The Golden Treasure Quest."

   This rainy day was different although. The console they used was being abnormally slow. Unusual. They noticed that there was a delay, a very large one. Emily stood up, turning off the game.

    "What was that for?" Kendall exclaimed, "It would've fixed itself on its own!" She said, and walked off into the kitchen, getting a soda.

    "What if it didn't though?" Hannah asked, following Kendall. "It could have been the weather, and this seems as if it will take a while to pass over."

   Kendall nodded. They all walked back to the couch. "We should maybe try it again?" Kendall said, still trying. "Fine!" Sarah said, exasperated. She pressed the button, and when she touch the controller, her arm started to become pixelated. She screamed, and dropped it. Her entire left side was now becoming pixelated too. The girls screeched all in unison. Sarah collapsed to the ground, unconsious. She was comepletely pixelated. There was a loud "Pop!" and she was gone! The girls all kneeled to the ground, looking for evidence of the disapearence. "Wait, did the controller do it?" Emily asked, and touched it, and she also dissapeared. Kendall began to sob. "Where is everyone going? Why is this happening?" She buried her face in her knees. "Hannah, we have to find out where they went." She said, peeking from her knees. Hannah nodded, and touched the remote. Kendall followed her.

   They all were now in a green, sunny valley. "G-Guys is this Fire fly valley from The Golden Treasure Quest?" Sarah said, rubbing her high quality, newly animated body. They looked around, and all nodded. "Are we in the game?" Kendall whispered. "I think we are." Emily said.

We all began walking around. Everything that they had been playing was there. The castle that held the trapped dragon egg, the green lucious forest that surrounded the castle. "Wait.. isn't this the valley the Dragon roams in, Galagor?" Hannah said, becoming aware. They saw the grass laying down in a large footprint. "Oh Gosh..." Sarah said, and went to the footprint of the dragon. She observed how detailed it was, you could see the dents in the soil from where the sharp talons pierced the surface. The print was the size of a bookshelf. A very large bookshelf. A shadow cast over the valley, The girls looked up to a large, scaly stomach flying overhead. They ran to the forest, they could possibly be camoflauged by leaves. The dragon let out a loud screech, seeing the beam of light from Sarah's glasses hit the open valley grass.

   He landed, looking for his prey. "Wait, the characters i the game can summon one weapon of choice, right?" Hannah said, and thought of a ray gun. A few seconds later, it appeared in her hands. She fired it at the dragon, but it recoiled off of his skin, and backfired into the trees above them. A firey path where it went left a scorched smell in the forest. The dragon was now madder than ever. He looked to where the ray had came from, and caught a glimpse of the four girls, cowarding behind a large tree. His eyes closed, wondering to help them or kill them. He nodded them off, looking in the opposite direction. He grunted, clawing at a tree. "Galagos?" Kendall said, and went up to him, and rubbed his soft yet scaly skin. He began to purr like a cat, a wisp of smoke rising from his nostrils. "Can we ride it?" Hannah asked, and came up to Kendall. "Well, let's find out." Emily said, and began climbing up the dragon's side.

   "He seems pretty friendly, friendly enough to take us to the castle perhaps?" Sarah said, trekking up his side. The dragon rolled his eyes, and nodded. "You better make sure you hold on tight!!" Kendall said, grabbing the horns of the dragon. "To the castle!!" Emily said, and the dragon flew off. He did a few twirls, showing off. The girls screamed as if they were on a roller coaster at an amusement park. He finally landed at the castle, and let the girls off. With a snort, he flew off.

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