The Date

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Once school was over I called my other closest friend Coco and told her about my date with Daniel and about that bitch who gave me the dirty look and she gave me some advice. Once it was 6 I started getting ready and once I was finished I looked in the mirror and I was happy with my hard work

  I straightened my hair and made loose curls and did my makeup and wore my mothers favorite dress she gave me from her and my fathers first date

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I straightened my hair and made loose curls and did my makeup and wore my mothers favorite dress she gave me from her and my fathers first date. I heard a knock on the door and saw Daniel and he was speechless. "Your so gorgeous" he said smiling. I blushed, "Thank you, it's my mothers and you look really cute with your outfit" I said, but I wanted to tell him that he looked super hot and that he stopped my heart but I tried to keep it calm He smiled and we left to go eat dinner at this fancy restraunt and we decided to eat outside. We were having so much fun until my mood died when that girl from school came outside of the restraunt and sat on a table looking over us smirking. "What's wrong you seemed so happy and now your frowning" Daniel asked me with concern holding my hand. "I just need to use the restroom" I said and got up. I went in the restroom and I grew angry at that girl WHY does that bitch have to be here in this restraunt and not any others. I sighed and left outside and I saw the least shit I would expect..Daniel was kissing that bitch with the dirty blonde hair! Tears of anger burned my cheeks and I stared at Daniel until he pulled away and he turned to look at me and his smile faded and he came towards me. I backed up a bit and gave him a disgusted look and wiped my tears and just left the restraunt, "JADAH WAIT I CAN EXPLAIN" I heard him say as he was running towards me. "EXPLAIN WHAT DANIEL THAT YOU KISSED HER AND YOU SEEMED TO ENOJOY KISSING UP HER BITCHASS" I said growing angry. "Please just let me-"YOU CONPLIMENT ME YOU ASK ME OUT ON A DATE AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME" I said bursting into tears. He tried to grab my arm but I pushed him away and I ran and ran into my house and started bursting into tears uncontrollably. I heard a knock on the door and I knew it was Daniel so I opened it to see what he had to say. It wasn't him at the door it was the police, I grew concerned. "Can I help you officers" I asked. "Your Mrs. Birds daughter" they asked sadly. "Yes I am" I said still confused. "I'm sorry to tell you but your mother is in the hospital paralyzed from a car crash and she is at risk of death" they explained. I knew where this was going, "Thank you for letting me know officers " I said trying to stay strong. "Thank you for your time Mrs bird" they said and left. I closed the door and cried even more I let everything out, first Daniel kisses that bitch and now my mother is paralyzed in the hospital??! This is the shittiest day....

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2017 ⏰

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