Life and friends

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People say we need to play more

To go out in the sun and stretch

But we do play

Just in a different way

We play with emotions

We play with feelings

We play with the hopes and dreams of others

We crush and twist every little thing

We lie and steal

We break what little truth we have left

We pass it off with laughs

And say sorry as an after thought

Then we fine the one

They will protect us

They will end the pain

They help us laugh and see the good again

They help us though the dark

Only to leave us deeper in

They said they would help

Only to cause the most pain

We go back to our friends

Crying, fearful of what they might say

This is the difference between good and amazing friends

Good will cry alone with you and tell you

They was an asshole

Secretly thinking now they have a chance

Amazing will threaten to kill them

Tell you all the ways your friends would torture them

Make you laugh and forget them

Now think to your friends

What would they do

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