Chapter 8

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A/N Ok just uploaded chapter 8 and I was reading it over and it decided that it wanted to copy itself over again, kill me. So here it is once more, sometimes I hate Wattpad.

Marshall and you were sitting at the dinning room table. It was a giant place with tons of extra space. The table that you sat at looked like it was a mile long. You would think he would sit a chair or two away from you but no, the one right next to you caught his eye. "So we have to talk about the wedding, I know girls love this kind of shit" he said as he looked at you while taking out a notebook. Before you could say anything he yelled for one of his maids. "Clara!" He yelled and she came walking in. She had a dress on that when above her ankles, She wasn't old nor young looking either, you could tell she had seen her days. "I want you to write down everything my dear (Y/N) says about the wedding" he said smiling at her as he handed her the notebook. "I'm sorry Prin-" is all you said before you got cut off but a sudden loud sigh, "call me Marshall". "Sorry" you said as you looked down at the table. "What I was saying before​ is that I never imagined a wedding, I never wanted to get married at all for that matter" you said honestly. "I don't even know what all goes on in them, they just seem pointless". You wish you didn't say that because felt like the whole world had stopped. You look back a Marshall only to see him with wide eyes and Clara in shock. "Miss don't say that a wedding is when two lovers unite, it is when-" " but I'm not in love" you said with no little emotion in your voice. Clara didn't know what to say after that. It was true you didn't love him but should you have said that. "Oh (Y/N), you'll love me soon enough once you find out what's in store for you after the wedding" he said with a wink. "Oh lord kill me now" you said as you put your elbows on the table and your hands on your face. "Oh hun that asshole isn't going to save you, tough luck" Lucifer said as he walked into the dinning hall. "Where is mother" Marshall said as he turned his head to look at his father. "She disobeyed so she's now in the dungeon" he said with no emotion. 'Is that what's going to happen to me' you thought to yourself. "Clara go take (Y/N) and show her around, I need time to speak with my father" Marshall said as he waved Clara off. Clara took you by the hand very gently and talked out. "So what caused you to escape...Never mind that's a stupid question" she said as she shook her head in shame. "No no it's alright" you said as you reassured her. We walked a little more down hallways and she opened the doors to the kitchen. " I thought demons didn't need to eat" you said as you walked in. "You are correct but we don't have human food here" she said as she picked up a a jar filled with a fuzzy supstance. "These are souls of humans. We have all that rank from high to low standards" she said as she put one of the glasses back on the shelf. "What am I going to eat then" you said as you put your hands on your hips. "Oh dear that's right your not a demon yet" she said "I'll send one of our men out to get you food" she said as she walked to the front of the doors and peeked out and yelled at one of the demons to go to earth and get food. "I totally forgot about that" you said out loud. You forgot how when the prince finds a mate that is human they have to go through a ritual so she can be alive forever. "Are you ready to continue" Clara said as she was outside the doorway. "Oh yes" you said as you walked through the doors as two demon gaurds closed it. "You already know the throne room so their is no point in going there so let's go to the library" she said with joy. "I'm guessing this is your favorite place to go?" You said as you could tell her excitement. "Oh yes very much so, it's hard when I have off to read through all of them" she said with a laugh. You entered the door and it was glamorous. You never saw anything more beautiful in your life. The books where so high up that you needed to use a big ladder. There  were twists and turns in going through the maze of book shelf's and stands but through the middle of the room there was a big sofa, chairs and a coffee table. "It's beautiful in here" you said as you ran your fingers through the spines of the books. "Believe me or not Marshall is the one that did this" she said with a smile and she sat on the sofa with her hands in her lap. "He does mean well, my lady. He wishes for you to be happy" she said looking at you. "I'm I going to end up like Lilith, Satins wife?. The only thing she did is speak back to what she believed in, I do that all the time" you said truthfully as you turned to her. " My lady (Y/N), Marshall is like his mother and nothing like his father. He does what is right, you will find out soon enough that he cares for you much more then you think. He loves you and he picked you for a reason not just because you're beautiful. He looks for something much deeper then that, he sees you in him". She said as she picked up one of the books on the coffee table to put back in one of the many book shelves. "I just want Linda back, I just wish non of this happened" she said as you sat on the floor with your legs crossed. "Just remember he means well, nothing is out of bad intentions. I've been here since he was born, he was the first child". She said as she put the book back in place. "Please be right" you said in a whisper.

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