LOST what happens next

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Kate Austen looked out of the planes window, watching the island she had been stuck on crumble. "don't you worry about a thing, Freckles" Sawyer said, he was sitting next to her "Jack will be fine" Sawyer knew Kate was worried. She had a reason to be, Jack Shepard had been stabbed by the man in black, just before Kate shot him and Jack kicked him off the cliff they were standing on. Jack Shepard was definetly not okay , she just knew it. But she also felt...happy, before Kate and Sawyer went to leave the island on the plane, Jack had told her he loved her, and had kissed her. Sawyer stared at Kate, worrying about her, Kate whipped her head around to face Sawyer, forcing a smile on her face "It's all over, James." James Ford was Sawyer's real name. Sawyer grinned back, dimples bouncing around on his face

"well, Freckles, it ain't the last time we'll see each other, don't you worry your little head bout us"

"Hello everyone, this is your captain speakin, you can feel free to move around the cabin" Lapidus said through the walkie-talkie, he was another one who was on the island, he origanly worked for Charles Widmore, who was looking for the island.Kate started to get up, but Sawyer was blocking her path

"and where might you be goin'?" he grinned

"I'm going to see how Claire is doing, James, move your legs" Kate said icily, Claire Littleton was stuck on the island, and had gone a bit insane. Sawyer raised his eyebrows at Kate

"what?" Kate snapped, folding her arms, trying hard not to slap that grin of his face

" I didn't say nothin'" Sawyer said, trying to act innocent, Kate pushed past his legs and walked down the plane, she spotted Claire slouched on one of the chairs near the pilots cabin, looking dirty, and very scruffy.

" Hey, Claire, you doing okay?" Kate asked. putting her hand on the back of the chair

"Oh. Hi, Kate. What if Aaron hates me?" Claire said, looking up at Kate, Aaron had been Claire's baby, and Kate looked after him for three years when they managed to escape the island, but without Claire. Kate came back for her . Kate and Claire had a long conversation for several hours

"this is Lapidus speaking, we see land!! Everybody, please sit down. This is going to be a bumpy way down"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2014 ⏰

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