Trust Me. I'm Lying

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When we were little we listened to the stories our mothers told We wished so badly to be the princess, beautiful and loved by her people We wanted to live in a tower, talking animals as friends Hoping the prince would come, the hero who saves the day But as time went on we came to learn, the prince can't always be relied upon You got left waiting in the tower, while the prince went off and had his fun So we climb down proud and strong, the heroes have left us to our own devices So we don't need the prince to slay the dragon, we are as capable as any man We are the heroes of the adventure,and we can write the story on our own *** Isabelle is loud and sarcastic, spends too much time in her world, reading and falling in love with endless characters from countless books, studying into late hours at night and trying to control her anxiety. Isabelle's learned too put up walls around her, protecting her from everything that's hurt her. Having a very stressfull family and a problem with hating the world, Isabelle likes do things her own way; alone. Until it happened. Accepting a dare, Isabelle is made to write a letter confessing a secret nobody knows about her, and leave it somewhere to be found. Nobody must know who wrote the letter, or who it was delivered to. But the unexpected happens when she founds out a complete stranger replied to her letter, and she begins to know this strange and charming person who is more like her than anyone else.



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