26. My Daughter, Sana

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'Did you kill Oceania?'

'Yes, sir. There are no traces left.'

'Excellent, you are dismissed.'

As they scurried away, I exited my office and walked into the hallway. My beautiful daughter, Sana was inside her room. As I opened the door, I found her kissing someone.

I clenched my teeth in anger.

'Sana! How many times do I have to tell you! I told you to do that outside in the alleyway!' I yelled.

'But outside's not comfortable, I like doing it on the bed,' she whined.

'No, you follow my rules.'

'Fine,' Sana pouted as she looked at the boy. 'Leave, you were no fun anyway.'

The boy quickly got up and silently left the room. I sighed and sat on her bed as I gently caressed her soft grey hair.

'Look, honey. I have a very important task for you.' I said.

'Yes, Daddy?'

'Remember Lionne? The group that didn't select you?'

'How could I forget?' She retorted.

'I have a plan to destroy them. I've already taken care of two members but I need your help to eliminate the others.'

'Okay, What's the plan?' Sana asked.

'Let's just say...

Welcome to Lionne.'


After a restless night, I opened my tired eyes and yawned.

None of us could sleep after what happened with the T.V.

We all slept in Jihyo's room since we were scared. Rose and Lisa snuggled in my arms while Jihyo, Jisoo and Dahyun bundled together. 

I stood up and quietly made my way towards my room. My phone started ringing so I quickly answered.



'Amber, it's Row.'

'What is it?'

'I know what happened last night with the T.V, Eoa's just trying to scare you.'

'Oh, okay.'

'I just need you all to stay in your dorms. Mingyu and I are sorting it out.'

'If Eoa hacked out T.V, does he know where we live?'

'No, he doesn't. Someone else hacked it but we killed him.'

'Wonderful,' I replied sarcastically.

' Amber, stay inside and don't go anywhere. You'll be safe, I promise.'

'Pinky promise?'

'Pinky promise.'


A huge weight was released from my shoulders.

We're safe.

I ran into Jihyo's room and woke everyone up. I gleefully told them the good news and everyone was relieved.

We had a big breakfast to celebrate.

Until the door knocked.

We all warily looked at each other, wondering whether to get it.

'I'll get it.' I said. 

Row said we would be safe so I trusted him.

As I came closer to the door, my heart started beating faster.

It could be anyone at the other side.

I slowly opened the door.

A fair girl stood outside with a wide smile.

'Hi! Nice to meet you! I'm the newest member!'

I blinked twice. 


'Um, okay?'

'Oh, sorry, I forgot to introduce myself,' She said as she held out her hand.

I cautiously held her hand.

'Amber.' I said.

'Nice to meet you, Amber! 

My name is Sana.'



Introducing Sana from Twice!

Thanks for reading! See you in the next chapter, babes.

- AlunaticD

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