Birthday With Xiumin

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“Wake up sleepyhead,” Xiumin whispered in my ear. I rolled over and kissed his cheek. “Happy Birthday Cupcake. Come on, we have a lot to do today.”

Once I was dressed, he took me to our favorite little coffee shop, The Aroma Bean. The place was cool because the staff allowed the customers to make their own cups, if they wanted to try. Xiumin and I became frequent customers. He knew how much I loved the bittersweet taste of coffee. My favorite thing about it though was the way he looked while making it. It was one of the things Xiumin was passionate about. When he loves what he’s doing he puts his all into it. Whether it was singing, dancing, or making a cup of coffee,  the same beautiful look of determination appeared. I couldn’t help but smile while watching him.

“You’re staring Hailey,” Xiumin joked. I snapped out of my trace and chuckled. “What were you thinking about?” he asked. I blushed a little and replied, “You.” His cheeks turned strawberry red and he turned his attention back to the coffee. Once he finished with our drinks, we sat at a little table in the corner. “You know, this makes two years since we met,” he stated. I nodded, remembering the fond memory. “Even more reason to celebrate,” I said. After reminiscing the past while sipping on the delicious drink, we thanked the staff and left.

“Where would you like to go birthday girl?” he asked. I pondered the question for a few moments. “It’d be cool if we went ice skating,” I suggested. He jokingly gave me a disapproving look and said, “You know neither of us are the most graceful people, but since it’s your birthday I’ll risk busting my ass.” I laughed and playfully punched his arm.

As we were both staring at the ice with terrified faces, I almost told him that I changed my mind about the whole ice skating thing. I didn’t have the chance though because Xiumin decided it would be a good idea to try to be smooth. He stepped onto the ice, spinned around, and tried to  reach for my hand. It would’ve been really suave if he didn’t lose his balance mid-twirl and fall down. I was worried that he got hurt for a whole half second before he started cackling. I joined in with him. I fell down beside him and we were crying from laughing so hard. We must’ve looked ridiculous, but we didn’t care.

Once we got ourselves together, we stood up and held onto the wall. I stumbled a little so he reached his arm around my waist. After making a few rounds like that, we pushed away from the wall and held hands. It was easier than we both expected and soon enough we were practically professionals. To make up for his failed attempted earlier, Xiumin stopped in the middle of the rink and twirled me towards him. He hugged me tightly and stared into my eyes. I wanted to laugh at how cheesy he was being, but the moment was too sweet to ruin. He leaned over and kissed me. I loved the way his slightly chapped lips felt against mine. As if on cue, large snowflakes started falling from the sky. We looked up and let the snow fall on our tongues. This time I did laugh, it was almost even a giggle. Xiumin made me feel like I was living in my own little movie. 

I thought the ice skating rink was our last stop for the day, but he brought me to a bakery. He must’ve made reservations because the ingredients and decorations were already laid on the the table. “We’re going to make you a birthday cake!” he exclaimed. “The others are coming over later for a party and we can all eat it together there. I thought it would be more fun than just buying a premade one.” I nodded my head in agreement. I loved baking! A sudden thought occurred to me. “Wait, the house is a mess and we don’t even hav-” He waved his hand, “No it’s fine, I already got it covered. I convinced Suho and Luhan to clean the house for me. It was quite easy actually. All I had to do was promise a bigger slice of cake. As far as the refreshments and what not goes, Kayla is coming over once we’re done here to take you shopping.” I raised my eyebrows, impressed. He’s usually a spur of the moment kind of guy.

An hour and a half, two flour fights, and three kisses later our cake was finally finished. We were just about to decorate it when Kayla walked in. “Are you ready to go?” I told Xiumin that he better decorate it well, gave him a quick hug, then left with Kayla.

We pulled into the driveway of Xiumin and I’s house and grabbed the grocery bags. I was expecting a full house with 11 loud guys like usual ,but it was oddly quiet. Kayla set the bags down, winked at me, then went backed out of the door. That’s when I noticed the rose petals making a trail to the kitchen. I sat down the bags next to the others then happily followed the trail. Inside the kitchen there were candles lit on the table along with a huge vase containing fresh flowers. I took sat down in a chair and tried to contain my giggles. Sometimes he can be so grossly romantic.

The door to the kitchen swung open and Xiumin walked towards the table with the cake in his hands. He looked so nervous and I didn’t understand why. That is, until he sat the cake down on the table and kneeled down on one knee beside me.

I looked over at the cake and in purple letters it read, “Happy Birthday Hailey! Would you spend all your other birthdays with me as well?” A beautiful diamond ring sat atop the cake in a velvet box. Xiumin reached into the box and pulled out the ring. My heart was racing a million miles per second and tears were forming in my eyes. “Hailey, I love you more than words could ever express. More than my actions could ever show. Would you please do me the honor of being my wife?” He confidently asked while looking into my eyes.

My mind couldn't even process what was happening and I took a few seconds to respond. Finally, I managed to breathe out, “Yes!” As he kissed me while putting the ring onto my finger cheers erupted from the other room. Kayla and the guys all rushed out screaming and hugging us. I guess one could say that this was the best birthday ever.

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