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"Welcome back from the break," their teacher said, making some of the students groan in sadness. Winter break had ended and to everyone's disappointment, they had to attend school again. The only ones that were looking forward to classes were Yiyeon and Mark so that they could have an excuse to be together.

The young teacher allowed them to talk to each other during advisor. Upon hearing the announcement, Mark turned around in his seat to interact with his friend and no surprise, she was looking out the window.

Before he could say anything to her, Bonggyoo ran up to his desk and invited him to talk with his group of friends. The idol peered at the girl, who never moved her gaze, before agreeing and joining the group that was at the other side of the room.

Like their first encounter, she wanted to let them know that she wasn't deaf. It broke her heart to see her only friend laughing with other people. She understood that she couldn't limit him to only having one friend so she sat there, staring at him from across the room.

"You'll never have a chance with him," Kiseon, who was known for her high reputation, said, pulling up a chair and leaning on Yiyeon's desk. She was startled at a number of girls gathering around her desk. "Don't talk to him because he's mine. Mark doesn't go out to parties or smokes, therefore you have no business with him." And with that, she and her followers scurried back to their seats because of the bell.

Her words sunk in as the boy they were talking about sat down at his desk. "Did you make some friends already?" he joked. All she could do was fake a smile and shake her head in disagreement.

⚯ ⚯ ⚯

"You can't just ignore me," Mark pleaded as she pulled her lunch out of her backpack and set it on her desk. Yiyeon wanted to talk to him but there weren't any times that the two were alone. There was always someone from Kiseon's group watching over them.

"I'm doing this for both our sakes," she whispered then took a bite of the food that was packed. After swallowing the lightly flavored rice she finished the explanation. "I don't want your reputation to go down."

Yiyeon looked up at one of Kiseon's followers to see her shaking her head before pulling out her phone. The expression on her face told the terrified girl that the stalker was going to tell the leader about their interactions. She locked her phone and left the scene.

He noticed her distraught expression while she stared at the fleeing girl. Yiyeon's face went pale, making Mark question her. "Are you okay?"

No, I'm not, she wanted to reply, but instead, she smiled and shook her head. "I'm fine, don't worry."

She was like the days after the snowfall, the pure snow being trampled on by everything in its path.

Snow - Mark LeeWhere stories live. Discover now