Happy endings?

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*Alyssa's P.O.V*

my moms been sleeping since the seizer but her vitals are okay.

*houses P.O.V*

"Cuddy i need you to look up this man dave palmer" "for what?" she asked "theres a possibility he poisoned my patient and i need to know where he is" i said "house this is surprising i never seen you care so much about a patient" she said "i don't i just want to know if he did it or not" i said " uh huh ill let you know what i find" she said and i left. about an hour passed and i'm just waiting to hear from Cuddy, when Cameron comes in my office "she's doing good,nice job" she said " i don't need you to tell me i did a good job" i said back " i know, so her daughter Alyssa she's a sweet girl isin't she?" she questioned "what no she's smart i guess but thats all" i said "uh huh i saw you two in the lab, i never seen you act that way you like her don't you" she said- Cuddy came in before i could say anything " so i found out this dave guy is a pharmacist and he's the one that packaged those "vitamin D pills" or what ever they were" Cuddy said "oh my gosh well i need to report him to the police" i said with a bit of panic "already done and i must say i like this side of you" Cuddy replied "what side. i just don't want that ass hole to poison more people and me having more patients, you know how i don't like people Cuddly" i said in hopes she don't question me further. she's looks at me and rolls her eyes as she walks out.

*Alyssa's P.O.V*

i think my moms getting better i'm so glad she had theses amazing doctors just then Dr. Cameron, Chase, and Foreman come in and interrupt my thoughts "hey guys" i said "hi looks like your mothers doing great she should be let out in a few days" said Chase "oh and you and house were right it was your ex that poisoned her but don't worry he's in jail" Cameron added "thank you guys so much, i'm really grateful for your help. wheres house id like to thank him" i said " well your welcome, but you don't have to thank house he knows plus he don't need to be thanked for doing his job" Foreman said " okay well thanks again guys" i said they smiled and left.

i didin't wanna listen to foreman so i went to find houses office. i saw him in there and knocked before i went in he looked up from his desk rolled his eyes and sighed "what do you want? i thought your mom was fine" he said " oh um well she is i just wanted to say thank you" i said "i don't need a thank you from you" he said i just stood there he looked up and sigh "anything else?" he said "whats with you one minute your sweet and the next a jerk are you mentally ill?" i asked he popped one of his Vicodin "some people would say that" he said i got so mad i was about to storm out when he called out "wait" "Alyssa you said you studied to be a doctor right" he asked "yes. what does that have to do with anything?" i asked "well good because you start monday" he said "what are you serious???" i asked confused "yes, well you'll start as my assistant but if you do good ill promote you. if you think your up for it" he said "well uh i mean..." "then its set be her 8:00 sharp on monday no later or your fired" he said " um okay" i said and walked out...... what just happened?!?! i thought

*Houses P.O.V*

i cant believe she said yes! thank god....

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