Chapter 20 & 21

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Chapter 20: Lord Ragus

"Zashnyx!" he ordered.

"Yes, Master?" Zashnyx blinked his glowing, red eyes.

"You have brought me a fake sword and you didn't kill the girl. I hoped that you would've been more useful."

"Yes, Master. I assure you it will not happen again." He bowed his head in submission.

"Since you failed my first plan, I suppose we will have to move on to plan B," Ragus continued, "You need to keep an eye on the Princess and inform me of everything she is doing. Where does she spend most of her time? Who does she speak to? Why does she do certain things?"

"How would that help us get the sword?" the dragon asked cautiously.

"If we know all about her, you can try to win her over," Ragus explained. "It will all be trickery which, as you know, is already taking place at the castle which shows that my sister has no idea who's really on her side."

"Master, how do wish me to carry out this task?" Zashnyx wondered.

"However you like. Just be sure that the sword is not harmed and nobody sees you." Lord Ragus left the room and the door slammed behind him. The clicking of locks sounded from outside and Zashnyx opened his wings and jumped out the open window. His eyes looked down to the drawbridge. Gramores by the thousands were marching out of the castle and Zashnyx new that Ragus didn't just want the sword. He wanted death and destruction because that was pleasurable for him.

Chapter 21: Earth isn't as Fun as Caelestis 

"Mother, I was wondering if I could go to Earth before I go to Anne's castle in Ominerstia." I knew that this was a big chance but I missed my family.

"To Earth? Why?" my mother demanded. I explained to her how much I missed my family there and why I wanted to go see them. After my story was over, my mother sighed.

"You really do love those people down there, don't you?"

"Yes, I do," I said and looked away.

"If Ben and Skye agree to go with you..." My heart raced and I looked at my mother. She was smiling and held out her arms for me. " can go."

"Thank you!" I said softly. "I love you, mother."

"I love you, too. Now, when will you leave and how long will you be gone?"

"I'll leave right away and I should be back before tomorrow morning," I replied, hastily.

"All right, be safe," my mother smiled and I left the room.

* § *

Everything was ready for me to go to Earth. I was wearing my jeans and T-shirt, although it looked odd to both Ben and Skye, and my backpack was slung over my shoulder. The sword was safely hidden in my dresser and my room was locked. I mounted Zanzibar and Skye climbed on behind me. Ben and Castor were already in the air and Zanzibar lurched forward to catch up with them.

Can you believe we're really going back?! I exclaimed.

Yes, I can. It's just like you to do something like this. You never leave the people you love. You care to deeply.

I felt myself blush.

"OK, Adeline," Ben called to me, "what's the plan? Where are we going?"

"Just follow Zanzibar and me and we'll get there soon enough."

"All right," Ben replied.

"By the way, you two," I added, "don't bring up anything about Caelestis."

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