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No pov

The portal opened and everyone fell out

Sun:what just happened

Wolf:we got beat that's what happened

Phantom:yeah but where are we?

They looked around

Wolf:this place looks familiar

They look around as carnage looked at his broken sword



Wolf:i think we're back home

Phantom:yeah we are back home

They all get up and walked

Carnage:wolf looks

He looks where carnage was pointing

Carnage:it's our house

They opened the door gently and see everything was the same the house was dark and foggy

Ravenger:huh i guess no one moved in

Wolf ran up stairs

Wolf:no one's here

Carnage:well we never put a for sale sign on it

Phantom:why would Aykroyd transport us here

Carnage:i don't know

Ruby:wow you do have a nice house

Carnage:thanks. I wonder how the demon hunters are doing

Blake:there's demon hunters here?

Carnage:yeah there place is in the forest in the east and ravenger and revis's clan live in the mountains in the west

Wolf:well since no one lives here we might as well live here. At least until we figure out how to get back

Hybrid:fuck that man I can't believe he pulled a dirty move on us

RWBY AND SYMBIOTE CROSSOVER 3 (MY DEMONS) [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now