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B r i a n

"I must be going insane," I thought aloud as I slapped myself in the face a few times to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

"You're not a very bright man are you?" Darius spoke, and I could hear a smirk in his voice. "Just go outside and figure out what's going on. Are you trying to look for Bambi?"

"Obviously," I deadpanned as if Darius could see me.

"You remember what she smells like right? Her scent?"

"I guess... I mean I still can't really grasp the fact that I have another being in my subconscious, let alone trying to remember what my niece smells like," I replied in irritation.

"You are so fucking difficult! Fucking idiot, go outside and act like the plain human being you wanna be so bad," his voice trailed at the end.

Tired of hearing his voice, I found a door that took me through an underground tunnel; it led me to the outskirts of the pack land where I started out a few hours before.

"Great," I said bitterly, before turning to the side to see the slaughter that had occurred. Bodies were scattered everywhere, most of our youngest hunters amongst the corpses. I saw Shaw, one of the first boys Bambi ever had to fight when she wanted to be a hunter.

Life always find a way to bring about sick irony. Here I was, a hunter, teaching my niece and nephews to kill the people who we may share DNA with.

"So you've finally accepted the fact that you're a supernat?" Darius spoke up, but I ignored him as I continued to identify the dead. I recognized one of Barbaros's coven members on the ground with a wooden stake through her heart and her head a few feet away from the rest of her body.

Following the trail of bodies, I found myself a few feet away from the main area of battle, right in front of what I could only assume to be the pack house.

I spotted Tua, but she seemed to be an entirely different being. Her hands were pointed outwards, but her fingernails were elongated and came to sharp points as she attacked those around her. Her eyes were blood red as cut the man in front of her's belly, his intestines spilling as the man panicked and tried to push his entrails back inside of his body. Knocking him to the ground with the back of her hand, she then ran and tackled a vampire, decapitating him in one swift movement as she moved on to claim her next victim.

My attention was abruptly pulled from Tua when a winged beast grabbed two men and lifted them thousands of feet into the air, only to drop them to their deaths. The animal screeched loudly, and a phoenix was tailing the beast, breathing fire onto a group of men firing multiple rounds of bullets at them.

I heard the whimper of a wounded wolf, whining as Neil lifted it's jaw in his hands, and snapped it's neck. The wolf's body shifted back to it's human form, revealing it to be a young boy with copper skin and short curly hair that wrapped around his face as blood stuck to his skin.

His bright brown eyes were open.

"C'mon Brian, join in! This one put up a hell of a fight, he almost had me too. But guns fair a lot better than teeth in war," he spit on the boy's body, running back into the fight as he fired his gun at the others wolves that were mauling his men.

Still frozen in my spot, I couldn't make a decision. Do I help the men? Do I help the supernaturals?

"You support those where your loyalties lie. Are you loyal to man, or your family? Bambi or Korbin? Tua or Neil?" Darius whispered as my choice was made. Running towards Neil, I tapped him on the shoulder before he could fire his gun again.

Truth (BWWM)(Book #2 of the Falcone Series)Where stories live. Discover now