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Graduation day! Chanyeol and Baekhyun is so excited to graduate. It means that they can find more time for each other. Little did Baekhyun know, Chanyeol is already thinking of a big surprise for him.

“Baek, I can’t believe it. We will graduate already.”-Chanyeol

“I know right Yeollie! It’s been four years.”-Baekhyun

“All those hard work is getting paid off.”-Chanyeol

“I know right. Come on!! Let’s go now. You don’t wanna be late, right?”-Baekhyun

“Of course, but I just need to do something. You go first. I’ll just see you there.”-Chanyeol

“Are you sure?”-Baekhyun


“Arasso. I’ll just meet you there. Jalgaeyo, saranghae Yeollie.”-Baekhyun

“Saranghae Baek.”-Chanyeol

After Baekhyun left , Chanyeol put out a small, red box. He opened it and smiled.

“Today will be the day that I will ask him to marry me.”-Chanyeol

Chanyeol went straight to school for the ceremony. He sat where all the students graduating in his course are. He spotted Baek on the other side of the hall. When it was time for the class of Chanyeol to be called, Baekhyun was surprised that Chanyeol is the Top 1 of his class. He didn’t know about it. And as the Top 1, Chanyeol made a speech.

“Annyeong! I’m Park Chanyeol. I’m 21 years old. Today is day of thanksgiving, because for the past four years I’ve through a lot of trials in my studies. It was hard but I endured it with the help of GOD. He guided me through these hard years. He was always there for me when I needed comfort. But, there was also another reason that kept me going on. Actually he’s here. I wanted to thank Byun Baekhyun for always being there for me. Even though we were both busy with our studies, we really make time for each other. I’m proud to say that he is my boyfriend. And we are already four years, and we’re going stronger each day. We may have faced trials in our relationship, but we made sure that we will surpass all of them. He is really my inspiration. And without him being there for me, I would have dropped out. But no, I did this so that I can secure our future together. I told myself that if I wanted a great future with Baek I should work hard. Yah Baekhyunie!! Can you come up here? ”-Chanyeol

Baekhyun was wide eyed in surprise. But inside him, his heart is almost ripping out of his chest. He can’t believe that Chanyeol is there up on the stage and was talking about the two of them. As soon as Chanyeol told him to go up the stage, he stood up and walked slowly without taking his eyes of Chanyeol.


“Baekhyun, I have something to ask you.”-Chanyeol


Chanyeol slowly knelt on one knee and he took out the small, red box he had earlier.


When Baekhyun heard that, he almost fainted. He really can’t believe that Chanyeol is proposing to him, and also in front of the whole school. He thought of a way to answer Chanyeol but all he could think of in that moment is one word…



After hearing Baekhyun saying “YES!!!” Chanyeol’s feelings burst inside. He cannot contain the happiness inside him. He immediately put the ring on Baekhyun’s finger, and wrapped his fiancée in a big hug.

“Saranghae Baek.”-Chanyeol

“Saranghae Chanyeol.”-Baekhyun


Mianhae if updated only now. Ihad a lot of things in my shoulders in the past months. But now I [romis you  my  dear readers that I will update as soon as I finish a chapter.

Kamsahabnida also for being patient in waiting for the update.

Love lots… :*



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