Chapter 29

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"Do you have your hair straightener?" Andrea asked with her arms crossed, leaning against the hotel room wall as she asked sombrely. Once again, Katie ignored the blondes question and continued shoving things into her bag.

"What about your medication? Did you get all of it?" She asked. A part of her knew Katie wouldn't respond, but she needed to remind her anyway. She couldn't remember the last time Katie had given her the silent treatment.

Maybe it had been when they were both 14, and had a crush on the same guy. Andrea had gotten a Valentine card from him on Valentines day, and Katie hadn't. She had taken it pretty hard.

"Katie-" Andrea sighed. "You can't ignore me forever."

She watched as the brunette pushed the hair from her eyes as she leaned down to zip up her stuffed suitcase. Her jaw was locked and her eyebrows furrowed as she took one last glanced around the room.

Harry had offered to go and stay in Zayn's room last night, while Andrea thought it'd be best if she stayed with Katie for the night.

She was wrong.

No matter how many tears she cried, or how many times she had said she was sorry- Katie only sat silently on the bed, staring unfocused past Andrea in a daze.

She hadn't taken the news very well. After she had told Katie about her losing her job and then losing the apartment and how they'd have to return to collect their belongings, Katie turned to hysterics.

She had collapsed to her knees on the carpeted hallway of the hotel, sobbing into her hands. Her sobs echoed throughout the whole floor as she lied there, broken and unmoving. She cried until she was weak and exhausted, and when Harry had bent down to collect her in his arms, she had denied him once more.

"Zayn, could you-" Harry looked up at Zayn, his jaw set and his lips in a tight line. Andrea knew it was breaking him but he was trying to be strong as Zayn nodded knowingly and reached down to pick Katie up into his arms to carry her back into the room.

Now it was 11 am the next day and Paul had scheduled them a plane back to London for 5pm. 

"Are you ready to go?" Andrea asked, Katie finished looking around the room, making sure she got everything. She ignored Harry's shirt that rested in a dirty pile on the floor or his things that rested on the bathroom counter, but Andrea noticed the way Katie's eyes sadly glazed over them before turning around and strolling past her towards the door, with her luggage in tow.

Andrea followed behind, letting the heavy room door close behind her as they stepped out into the hallway.

Just as she expected, a somber looking Zayn, Niall and Liam waited against the hallway wall, talking amongst themselves but looking up the second the girls walked towards them.

Andrea's heart broke at the smile Zayn tried to give her.

"Goodmorning, beautiful." He whispered into her ear the second she ran into his outstretched arms. She closed her eyes, begging herself not to cry.

Instead, she took in everything about him. The curve of his chest, the smell of him, the way his skin felt against hers. She wondered if her memory of this was enough to last her the next 2 month he'd be away.

Andrea pulled away from him, looking up to find his eyes sad but somewhat hopeful. 

"I'm going to miss you, freaks." Niall tried to laugh, but the smile on his face didn't reach his eyes as he reached for Katie and pulled her into a hug. She hugged him back, telling him she was sorry but that it was for the best.

Niall and Liam both understood and for that, Andrea and Katie were both grateful.

When Katie had finished hugging Liam, she pulled away with furrowed eyebrows. "Where's Lou?"

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