chapter 2

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last time a new ranger adam moved into town to spend time with his uncle and morley looking for his farther that post to dead but soon found a werid colored gem and bonded to him to find out he became the carno ranger but soon he sees the rangers megazord begin beaten by monaster so he end summing his own zord he didnt know he had and combined them to bilzzard megazord but now were gonna step back a little to the rangers point of few when they were facing the monster A/n : and bonus its before trent became a member on the team

Tommy pov  

i was done with class and head to hq to see if mesagog planed a attack to get the dino gems or the look out for the white ranger but then i heard a alram i looked at the screen sees zeltrax and with a new monster along with some tyranndrones i called the others to morph and meet me at the back of the museum when i did i forgot i had to meet adam but that had to wait 

Tommy : sorry adam  we have to hang out later * his morpher was summoed * dino thunder power up huh * he trashs forumed into his black ranger suit * brachio power 

Tommy : sorry adam  we have to hang out later * his morpher was summoed * dino thunder power up huh * he trashs forumed into his black ranger suit * brachio power 

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