That Chick With the Rollerblades

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Saeran x Reader

As always, you were at the park. With your bulky headphones and various chiming and jingling bracelets- you seemed like a pretty obnoxious character. However, Saeran viewed you as interesting over that. With your patched shorts and your thigh highs; it had made him severely blush. Since it was slightly colder out you threw leg warmers over your upper arms and your shins, Saeran wondered why you wouldn't just wear pants but soon realized that would restrict your mobility. 

     As he was walking with Yoosung and Seven, because the LOLOL servers were down. Saeran suggested that they go to the park to get fresh air, but really... He wanted to see if you were there. 

You were aware that Saeran would always watch you skate around, and you took pride in giving him a show. Skating around the fountains and jumping over benches and flipping around. Due to taking gymnastics for most of your life because your mother had swooned and fangirled over it, you incorporated a lot of it into your hobby.

lot of your time was spent rollerblading at the park, or around the city. Due to having night classes; which explained why Yoosung had never seen you- You'd have absolutely nothing to do during the day. Should you be doing homework? No, pfft. College has no homework. At least, for your major. You'd also tend to finish everything in classes as well because your teachers usually gave you everything to work on all at once because they knew you'd be able to finish it in the allotted time, or at least finish a week's worth in a full day.
Back at it again, with your leg warmers and what's this? More leg warmers, on your upper arms. Saeran mentally questioned why you would be wearing a tank top in the middle of winter, but assumed all of the movement mixed in with your bracelets- or gauntlets more like it; kept you warm.
Saeran observed your newly developed skills, and had even seen your usual trained dog, the Husky; although he never really asked you what his name was- standing on it's hind legs with a baseball hat in his mouth. Saeran always took it upon himself to give you at least a twenty in American money. Totally not because he had a thing for you or anything....
     He reached for his back pocket and took his Fifty this time however, it's not like he would spend it on anything else. But your voice interrupted him, "Hey, I probably shouldn't be screwing up getting money or anything but... don't you need that?"
His eyes shot to you.

You were talking to him.



Talking to him.

    He inwardly cursed at himself for being so flustered, he could FEEL his face burn in embarrassment. "N-not.." Saeran stop fucking stuttering God Dammit. He thought to himself.

He started his sentence again after a short pause and your patient expression. "Not... really.." he mumbled, dropping the bill into your hat.

You giggled, a soft chime that sounded like the sweet relaxing "Twing~" of a bell at an ice cream parlor. It was Saeran's personal music to his ears. He breathed out a soft sigh, and you'd stopped.


You fucked it up.

She thinks you're weird.


"Hey, I know this is really straightforward- but... do you want to go to this ice cream parlor down about two blocks from here? They just opened. I've noticed you've been watching me for a while, and don't we me wrong- I like being watched! Oh... that sounds really bad." You cut yourself off with awkward laughter, and Saeran gave you a soft smile. "So um... ignore that thing I said about being watched. You up for it?"

Saeran hesitated, only because he was with Yoosung and Seven. Until he checked the Messenger.



    That was like... not even two minutes after they got there. Saeran facepalmed, and you'd peeked over his shoulder, in the process resting your head in the crook of his neck.

He choked on his words.

"That... sounds great." He mumbled.

You beamed at him, "Awesome! Let's go!" You took him by his hand, not even noticing his furious blush- as your husky trotted behind you both, still holding your university hat.

*Holy, okay wattpad. So apparently nothings been uploaded even though I have been ;; I'll fix it soon- I have a couple of one shots I've actually had written- AND THEY RANDOMLY DISAPPEARED. The Rage I feel, it's like- a game crashing before you've saved. Omg.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2017 ⏰

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