Chapter 1

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I woke up and I instantly felt happier, knowing I had 6 full weeks of no school. I went downstairs and made pancakes for myself because my family were asleep and I was lonely.

I'm Ash Stirling. I'm 12 years old and I live with my mum, dad and brother Viktor. My brother's in a band called Punky Monkeys (Don't ask) and he's always drug dealing with his friends. My parents think he's a bit of a screw-up, but we all love him really. I have one friend called Charlie Reeves. We're both huge fangirls but surprisingly mature for our age. At our school we're both outcasts, rejects. Nobody likes us.

Speaking of Charlie, I was going to her house today, like normal. I ran upstairs, changing into my Phan top, 5sos hoodie, skinny jeans, Converse and a SnapBack, before quickly saying bye to my parents and running out the door, late as usual.

I walked quickly to Charlie's, and was let in by her sister Lexi, who was a complete slut and was only 11! She was in a mini skirt and a tiny crop top. "She's upstairs. Like usual." She sassed.

"Hey Charlie, sorry I'm late" I laughed, chucking my bag on the floor. "Hey Ash" a voice came from Charlie's phone, making me jump. "Oh my god Aoife you scared me" I laughed. Aoife was our best friend. She was only an internet friend, but when I say only, I mean they're actually the best friends you could ever ask for. She was a year older than us, and we got on very well.

"Ash!" Charlie exclaimed, stopping my daydream. "Huh?" I yawned. Charlie and Aoife laughed. "Come sit down" Charlie said, patting the space next to her. I walked over and sat down. "So, I have some very important news to tell you both. But it's not really something I wanna say over video chat, so my dad's taking me to your hometown tomorrow. Meet me at Central Park at 2" she said, casually. "Wait what? We're gonna meet you?! For real?!" I exclaimed, grinning Aoife nodded, smiling. "Can't wait" Charlie grinned. "I've gotta go. See you tomorrow" Aoife frowned. "See you tomorrow" I laughed, waving at the camera, before she hung up.

I grabbed Charlie's arm, squealing. Charlie's dad came and knocked on the door. "What are you fangirling over now?" he laughed. "It's Aoife, you know, our internet friend?" Charlie explained. "She's coming here. Tomorrow." she said, anything but calm. "Ah I see" he laughed. "Well I'm coming with you to meet her for safety purposes" he said. Charlie's parents were awesome. They hadn't minded one bit when they found out about her internet friends. My parents still didn't know. They'd ban me from the internet if they knew.

" you wanna stay over tonight?" Charlie asked, grinning. I nodded, grabbing my phone and calling my mum, asking her to drop off my stuff.

A few minutes later, I heard a car pull up and my mum dropped off my stuff. Me and Charlie opened the door and I managed to catch the bag that my mum had thrown at me. "Have fun....behave yourself." My mum said emotionless before driving off. "She loves me I swear" I said. Charlie laughed.

We ran upstairs and I chucked my bag across the room. "Let's watch video of fetus 5sos!" I suggested. "No! I want to watch yuri on ice!" Charlie complained. "Okay, we will watch 5sos first, then we can watch your anime." I sighed and laughed

*At Midnight*

After hours of watching 5sos and Anime, we soon realised it was midnight. "Let's get some cold pizza out the fridge, cos I'm hungry and you're always hungry." Charlie laughed before quietly opening her bedroom door and sneaking downstairs into the kitchen. I waited patiently but Charlie didn't come back. I quietly tiptoed downstairs, "charlie?" I whispered. "I'm in the kitchen." I heard a reply. I smiled and tiptoed to the kitchen and saw Charlie holding 2 pizzas. "Which one? I can't choose?" She complained. "The pepperoni one." I said before throwing the BBQ one back in the fridge. "We should eat this then get some sleep. We don't wanna be to tired when we meet Aoife tomorrow." I suggested. Charlie nodded. We took the pizza upstairs and ate it while giggling over 5sos videos. When we finished we threw away the leftovers before getting changed into our pyjamas and getting into bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2017 ⏰

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