chapter 02

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Beep Beep Beep...

Why...why? Slam down on my alarm (try not break this one)
I stay in bed for awhile look at the time it was 5 a.m in the morning, sigh to myself start to get up when my feet touch the floor, which was cold so I hurried up to the restroom did my business, then went to my closet to get ready for my morning run which contain my sport nike trainers, a Nike tank top and my running shoes,and tied my hair-up. Took my watch and iPod attached it to my arm, getting ready to run started listening to music which was "Two Weeks by All that remains" helps getting me start.
**skip running***
When I was done running my 12 miles which I still have more then three hours left until school, I go home and go to my workout room started working on my muscle too.
I was done about an two hours turn off my music off went to my room to take a shower used my shampoo and conditioner which smells like vanilla, then my soap clean my body also shave my legs. Step out of the shower wrapped a towel around me and my hair, look for my tooth brush start after I was done went to my room started getting ready.
****outfit above****
Which was my nerd clothes put on my fake contacts which were green, then my fake glasses as well. Tired up my hair into a messy ponytail, grabbed my bag, and charger also my phone an ear phones. Which remind me when I went to the kitchen I needed a different vehicle to make it more realistic nerd who wears bags clothes show I wouldn't show my six pack. So I took my phone look up for a cheap vechicle, then all of a sudden my best friend was calling me, I didn't say goodbye to him, just pack up without no good bye to him about me moving out. I look at it not wanting to pick it up but couldn't find a place to not pick it up so I just had to, once I pick it up.
Our conversation:
Ted: Where the hell are you!!!!??? I went to your house, then found out you weren't there? Then I found out you moved!!!!???...
Me: I-I (got cut off)
Ted: Why didn't you say good bye? Or atleast tell me your moving Ana!!!!???...
Me: I didn't K-know how to say goodbye to you...I'm sorry.
Ted: Sorry ain't good enough Ana. You scared the shit of me Ana...
Me: I'm sorry okay?...I'm sorry... It's just me... U know I don't like goodbyes especially when I had to say goodbye to Jake (tears slide down my face).
Ted: Yeah I know how that feels. Look okay baby Ana??...u know I'm always here for you okay?...
Me: Yeah I know always over's just that I don't want to be lonely in that place, which reminds me of Jake alot u know??...
Ted: Yeah just don't take off without telling me??... Hey I have and idea for the both of us Ana??...
Me: Yeah and what is that??
Ted: Well... Since you took off without telling me.
Me: (giggled) yeah??...
Ted: I've been thinking maybe... I should go where your living at so??...what do you think?
Me: (smiles) OMG yes Teddy bear!!!
Ted: ugh the nickname I don't like that.
Me: yeah I know and that is why I like that nickname and did you ask you parents about it???...
Ted: yeah I did and they think it's fine and it's good for someone to stay with you....also where the heck do you live now cause I'm heading that way tomorrow??...
Me: OMG I'm excited and I live in New York now.
Ted: WTF all the way that Well then what school do you go to now??
Me: well I got to Prep High school as you should know now.
Ted: dang well then we'll where the apartment you staying in cause I'm moving in ?
Me: well it's 55 West 17th Street.
Ted: okay baby Ana... Is it and actually apartment or penthouse??cause I know you Ana.
Me:ehh why do care???
Ted: penthouse it is... And do u have school??...
Me: yess ugh... Maybe go tomorrow cause I need to find a cheap vehicle today so I could keep my nerd act up.
Ted: well okay then... I be there tomorrow cause I'm taking the air plane early in the morning.
Me: well okay then and I have your room ready before you know it and I need to get put these nerd clothes.
Change into my normal one and probably need to tell the school that I got sick okay. And look for a vehicle so talk to toy later okay?...
Ted: well okay then and I think you should go to school today don't want to make a bad oppression on them okay and later baby Ana
Me:ugh fine but have to park away from the school cause taking my bike and later Teddy Bear (giggled)
Ted: ugh okay and go to school. Now later.
***end of conversation***
After that conversation I hanged up feel like the weight was off my shoulders and grab my bag headed out the door then to my bike put my stuff in compartment and don't forget my helmet. And started driving to the school.
****skipping the ride****
When I got there, already park my bike somewhere you probably wouldn't notice, so headed to the gates of the school which is the parking where mostly teens hangout in the morning when I was walking toward the school entrance there were typical jocks,nerd,sluts and so on, they end up looking at me and me seeing I'm new, try to act like a nerd shy and all, but in all I'm just want them to stop looking at me before I put them in the hospital. But sadly I entered the school building looking for the main office, got lost at first to found it went inside, went up to the front desk to the lady  typing on the computer who looked in her 40's, well being a nerd I go up to her shyly and trying to get her attention. Then when I finally do she turn to me and smiled at me.
The lady: Hi. How may I help you today dear?
Me: uh-uh hi I'm the n-new student today and was wandering if I c-can get my s-schedule and locker combo. (Which I say with a shy smile)
The lady: (smiles at me) well okay then dear what's you name?
Me: M-my name is D-Diana H-harvey.
(The lady types in my name into the computer)
The lady: well here's your schedule and locker combo and if you need anything just stopped by the main office okay?and have a nice day.
Me: thank you and y-you too.

****end of conversation****
Mentally have-high five myself, exit the main office trying to look for my locker then, the other teenagers just look at me whisper, which is more like saying out loud like for example:
Eww where did she even get here clothes from Walmart or something?,
I thought the new kid was going to hot but not this ugly bitch?, we got another nerd to pick on.
Well there were mostly from the jocks and sluts here, then when I found my locker, open it up put my stuff in there and finally look at my schedule now.

* AP math class               Room  128
*AP science class            Room 110
*Art class                          Room 208
*music class                    Room 98
*world history class     Room 12
* P.E                                  Gym
* AP language class      Room 37
* dance class.                 Studio 87

Yeah I'm smart want to have a good life and also have a photographic memory too. While just trying to find my first class right now, trying to find it that's when the bell went off saying I'm late for class. Ten to fifteen minutes later finally found my first class. When I went in the class everyone turn silent and look who was at the door, time to act shy I looked down and blush,then looked at the teacher who was hot just to tell you who was in his 20's. He stood up and walked over to me.
Mr.Hot: Hi My name is Mr.Anderson and you must be Ms.Harvey right?
Me: Y-yes I-I'm sorry for being L-late, I-I got l-lost(looked down)
Mr.Anderson: well since it's your first day I will let it slide,but don't be late again understood?
Me: y-yes s-sir.
Mr.Anderson: well good now take a sit.
( I just nod my head)
****end of conversation****

Looked at everyone who were staring at me most in disgust, which I'm not bother by so I scan the room to find a sit which was one the back by a good looking boy, well was the only sit left so what the hell and plus get to look outside. Then the tech started teaching math me trying to act like a nerd I take notes, that's when the bell started to ring first period went by fast which was glad. Me going to second period was  ap science but first went my locker to take out my science book then closed it, continue to my class then my phone vibrate saying that I got a texts go when I look at it, it was  Teddy Bear🐻❤ aka Ted
Ted: hey baby Ana just want to say that my flight got a little delay so won't be there until like Wednesday in the afternoon.
Me: awww okay then, Teddy Be-
That when I was cut of my hitting a wall when I looked up it wasn't a wall it was a Greek god as most say. He said to me wtf!!! Nerd get out of my way bitch. Me acted kind saying I'm s-sorry, he said shut up bitch get out of my way before I make you, that when I'm trying to keep down my temper and just moved out of the way, but he had another idea then move where I went to. So me asked him move he just said no that's when I lost it just put on no emotionless face and look up an saying can you move dick face or else?... He just smirked at me saying or else what you going to do nerd then that's when he had two more boys behind him knowing like Greek gods too which they probably his best friends they smirked to and I said before I wipe that smirk off your face I said emotionless looking at them straight in the eyes then I smirked say fine as you wish then headed him by his collar slamming him against it then go to his ear whisper nexts time do was your told and move out of my way or I might just send you to the hospital after that was done I can see he was in shock at the moment and so was his friends. Then I put a emotionless face on and walk out of the circle which formed around us. Went to class.

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