Chapter Three

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Two days later, Lily found herself standing in front of her, inspecting her appearance—after all, she wanted to look her best for Teddy and Victoire's big wedding. She had dug out a light blue sundress from the back of her closet and slid on a pair of woven sandals to go with it. Her mom had even spent an hour curling Lily's hair for the occasion.

"Oh my Merlin, you're so vain," someone said from the doorway.

Lily turned to see a smirking James in dress clothes, "I just want to look nice for the wedding, James."

"You look fine. Now, stop admiring yourself in the mirror, and let's get downstairs. Mum says that we're already late."

Lily shook her head at her brother. She gave herself one last look in the mirror before following him downstairs to meet their mother, Uncle Charlie, and other brother, Albus. The family planned on Apparating over to the Burrow to help finish the wedding setup before the ceremony in the late afternoon.

"Well, doesn't this crew clean up nicely?" their Uncle Charlie asked, patting Lily on her head as she passed by.

"Watch her hair, Charlie," Lily's mother said. "I had to use some intense beauty spells to get her hair to hold that curl."

Lily nodded, agreeing with her mother; her hair was indeed pencil straight, a pain for anyone to work with.

"You look pretty sharp, too, Uncle Charlie. You have to look presentable for the mystery woman, don't you?" James said, a familiar smirk etched on his face.

Lily couldn't help but laugh. Her Uncle Charlie had a date to the wedding, and he avoided talking about it at all costs. She wondered what was so interesting about the mystery woman that her uncle refused to speak about her.

He gave a harsh laugh, "Aren't you a funny man, James?"

"I try, Uncle Charlie."

"Is everyone ready to go?" Lily's father asking, walking down the stairs in his finest dress robes; as Minister for Magic and Teddy's godfather, he would be officiating the ceremony.

"I think so, Harry," Lily's mother said.

He clapped his hands, "Let's Apparate then, shall we?"

Lily grabbed her father's arm, mentally preparing herself for Apparation. Even at thirteen, she hated Apparation and did not want to end up dizzy and nauseous with her own vomit all over her dress and feet. No thank you.

Seconds later, Lily was on her hands and knees in the grass outside of the Burrow. Luckily, she succeeded in remaining free of vomit but lost her balance instead. Al extended his hand and helped her to her feet.

"Honestly, you are going to fail your Apparation test in sixth year, Lil," he said with a laugh.

"Well, I think that I'd be okay without an Apparation license because I don't plan on Apparating when I'm older. Give my Floo Powder, a Portkey, or a broom over Apparation any day," she said, smoothing down her dress. She was relieved that her dress was free of grass stains.

The group started on their way to the back of the house when they heard a voice cry out, "Oh! There you all are!"

Lily looked to her right and spotted her Grandma Weasley, looking at them through the kitchen window; her face distorted by the screen.


"Come in here, everyone!" she said, her voice rushed and sounding frustrated. "We have some last-minute preparations before all the guests get here in—"

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