How Could You

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Angel (pov)

I woke up to the sound of knocking on my bay window "what do u want Justin its 2 am " "well I love u to can I sleep with u tonight please "  "sure " I lay down and feel the bed sink In i snuggle into Justin's chest "good night bub I love you " "I love you to"  I try to say then fall into a deep sleep

*9:39 am*

I flutter my eyes open to see Justin staring at me "quit lookin at me creep" "hey its not creepy you do it to " I feel my face heat up I pull the covers up to hide my face "aww I made u blush " he said grabing his clothes from over him he basically lives here I notice today is our friend anniversary.    

I here the shower turn off as Justin  walks out in his sweats

"Quit looking at me " I roll my  eyes  "I am going to shower "I say as grabing my clothes

*after I am done *

I blow dry and straighten my  hair  after I get dressed I walk out to Justin  reading my journal

A\N that was ok what do you think is going to happen sorry for the small chapter❤️

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