Chapter 1: The World Loves Me

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Y/n's POV: 

I woke up with a groan, to my alarm, wondering why it went off. Then I remembered that it was the first day of school, I threw the covers off of me and practically sprinted to the bathroom, I ripped open the drawer that held my mom and me's hair supplies and then hurriedly searched it and took my brush out. I quickly brush and style my hair how I normally do, except I put a barrette in my hair, pinning it back. I slipped on a pair of earrings and ran downstairs, my mom greeted me as I slipped into a chair at the table. My mom was on the other side of the table by the stove and she slid a plate with two pancakes on it, I scarfed them down and thanked her for the meal then jumped up and gave her a kiss on the cheek then, rushing into the living room and took my phone and charger out of the wall by the T.V. I swept my backpack off the couch and dropped my phone and charger into it. Not bothering to wrap up the cord, like I normally do, I rushed out the door telling my mom goodbye as I went, I'm pretty sure she said something as
I disappeared out the door


and I ran to the bathroom took my hairbrush out of the drawer, quickly brushing my hair. I knew I wouldn't have time for breakfast so I brushed my teeth and afterward, I ran to the kitchen and picked up my phone and earbuds off the counter, putting them in my backpack. 

I ran outside and hopped on my bike, I rode around people that were going places I probably didn't care about, then I realized something. I left my school uniform at home. My first choice was to go to school without my uniform and get either suspended or get detention, and my second choice was to go home real quick and change into my uniform but get a lot of attention from everyone and a tardy on the first day. I was tempted to choose suspension or detention but I would rather not get yelled at so I turned around and went home. 

When I got there I threw my bike to the side and ran inside, down the hallway and into my room, closing the door behind me, I changed as fast as I could and stuffed my sweater into my backpack as I was running outside. I hopped on my bike and rode as fast as I could pedal, thankful that not as many people were walking around now. When I arrived at the school I hurriedly locked my bike on its stand and ran inside, stopping by the office for my tardy slip and schedule. I ran up the steps and veered left towards my homeroom and tried to enter the room without being noticed. It failed. Miserably. Everyone stared at me when the door made a noise way too loud. Like way too loud.

"Hi," I said shyly while forcing a smile.

"Hello, are you Y/n?" The teacher asked.

"Yes I am, sorry I was late, I forgot we had to wear school uniforms," I felt heat crawling on my cheeks and was around 80% sure I was blushing, I let out a nervous laugh and smile.

"Since you missed the introductions, come on up here and introduce yourself," He said beckoning me up there


I unwillingly walked up to the front of the room, my cheeks burning ever hotter.

"I'm Y/n and I just moved into town, I don't have any pets and I'm an only child," I said Trying really hard not to stutter on every word. The teacher smiled.

"Okay Y/n you can sit in between Jenny and Gene," That's When I noticed a Black haired boy with blue eyes looking me up and down, and a girl with orange hair and sea blue eyes glaring at me like I was the Shadow Lord himself, I slipped in between them and tried to ignore both and just focus on the teacher talking.

When Homeroom finally ended I checked my list and started walking towards Music, I knew where all the classes were because I had got a tour of the school before I moved into town, I was praying that neither Gene nor Jenny was in my class, but nope. One of them just HAD to be in music with me, Gene just HAD to follow me into the class and teacher just HAD to sit me and him next to each other, the world just HAD to hate me today, Music crawled past and so did all of my other classes, every one of them had Gene, Jenny or another person I grew to dislike in the class, when school was finally over I ran outside and unchained my bike, I didn't feel like riding it so I just walked along side it, around five minutes into the normally 15 minute walk I realised that Gene was following me, I tried to lose him but it didn't work. At all. 

Oh, the world just absolutely loves me today, doesn't it?

sorry that this chapter is shorter than what I normally write but I'm sure you will be alright, new chapters will be posted whenever I, Zia (abc_read_write_mad), or Fic (FictionReader216) feel like it, SIGNING OUT.


8/19/2017 edit:

Hey, guys, Emmy here! Zia and Fic have dropped out of writing this book and I'm running two accounts right now, and I'm also an editor for my friend spoilergirl119's profile so I'm REAALLLLLLYYY busy, honestly, I'm probably gonna move this to my other account (@Sarcasmandidiocy) and give this account away to someone...... Does anyone want a free account? It's a lot easier to only one run so I don't need this one anymore if you want it just msg me or something.... So yeah, let me know if you want this account and I'll be moving this to my other account, see you next chapter! BYE~!


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2017 ⏰

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