Fanfic 1 part 1/3

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Word Count: 1,223
Y/N part
"Y/n, you're up!" The casting director calls from his chair. I wipe my sweaty palms on the front of my jeans and begin to walk in to the audition room. For weeks now I've prepared for the new Spider-Man Homecoming Marvel movie, to play the role of Liz Allan, a popular girl that the infamous Peter Parker pines after. I've been rehearsing day and night with my family, and can't wait to actually show the hard work that I've put in to this role.

"And...ACTION!!!" the director calls. My heart starts beating faster, my vision a bit blurry, but I take a deep breath and read the lines in front of me. After a minute, I begin to relax a bit and really put myself in Liz's shoes. I am Liz Allan. I am Liz Allan. I am.... And just like that, my audition is over and, without a single comment from the director, I am walking to the door. Just when my hand touches the door knob, I hear "WAIT!!" My head slowly turns around. The director, Jon Watts, starts walking towards me.
"Y/n, that was nothing less than absolutely BRILLIANT!" Jon pauses for a bit, tosses his scarf dramatically, and continues. "I could wait and listen to the other girls auditioning for the role of Liz, but I really don't think that's necessary... will you be my Liz Allan?"

I am so shocked that my legs almost give out. Tears begin to dot the corners of my eyes and I nod my head enthusiastically. "Yes!!! I mean, of course. Yep. Mhmmm." I say, trying to calm down and act a bit more professional. But I can't help it. I'm acting in my first Marvel movie!!!!
Two weeks have passed since Jon chose me to play Liz. I got my schedule, a few Spiderman t-shirts, and the keys to my movie trailer. I never want to forget this moment when I'm sitting in the passenger seat of my mom's Honda heading to Atlanta, Georgia, where the movie is going to start off filming at. For the past two weeks, I've been looking over my script and following my fellow cast on Instagram, trying to know more about them beforehand. I've never met any of them before, and I'm not the most extroverted person, so I hope that I can quickly become friends with everyone so that I have a more relaxed time on set. Out of everyone that I'm going to meet, I'm most nervous about Tom. Tom Holland, aka Spidey. Has over a million followers on Instagram, been in a bunch of other movies, and is freaking British (everyone loves British accents, so I already know that everyone must want to be friends with him). Plus he's pretty cute, which doesn't help matters. Whenever I'm talking to cute boys, I always come up with one or two words to say to them before my tongue completely gives out. How the heck am I gonna act a whole scene with him?!

We finally get to the set after what feels like hours of driving. When the car is parked, my breathing starts to get more rapid. My mom senses my nerves and reaches over to pat my leg. "Honey, your going to be just fine. You may be a bit new to the whole acting thing, but trust me when I say that you're a better actress than anyone else I've ever seen. I believe in you. Now get out there and just have fun!"

I manage a smile and reach over to give her a hug. "Thanks mom, I'll see you later today."

"Pick you up at 7!" My mom says as I grab my bags out of the trunk. With one last wave she starts up the car and drives off, and I'm left with a map of the area, my trailer keys, and a slowly fading smile as I realize that I truly don't know anyone.
I look down at the map and start heading in the direction of my trailer. I figure that since I need to drop off my things, and because I don't know what else to do or who to talk to, that's my safest bet. Unfortunately, due to high levels of clumsiness, I manage to trip over at least 3 rocks and branches (I'm not even in the woods, what the literal heck) and run into a couple crew members from staring at my map and not paying attention to what's going on around me. When I get to my trailer, I quickly turn the keys in the key hole, and stumble inside. It's the most glamorous trailer I've ever been inside, with a high ceiling, a couple of couches and a large flat screen tv, and a huge mirror with lights all around it. I gasp in awe as my gaze drops to flowers and card on the counter in front of the mirror. I drop my bags and pick up the card which reads, "So happy to have you settled in! Hope your finding your accommodations lovely, and I will be seeing you at 11 at the front of the school for further instructions on today. Until then, keep rehearsing! -Jon. " I don't know who I was expecting the flowers to be from, but I was hoping for someone more than Jon. Oh well. I pick up my script to start rehearsing when I hear a knock at the door. I walk over and when I open it, Zendaya in all of her glory stands in front of me.

"Hey! I'm Zendaya, I'll be playing Michelle. I thought I'd go around and introduce myself to everyone!"

I don't know what to say at first, but I mumble out a "Hey". And then remember that I should probably act more casual. "I mean, hi! I'm y/n, and I'm playing Liz! So good to finally meet you! If you want, you can come in for a bit." And all of a sudden, we just instantly start clicking, talking about The Bachelor and Pretty Little Liars, and all the cute guys on set. She's like the best friend I never had!

"So, if there was one guy you could choose from this cast to go out with, who would it be?" I ask Zendaya.

"Probably Donald Glover. Have you SEEN his smirk?? He's SO hot!!
We laugh for a couple seconds before she turns the question on me.
"I'd probably go out with Tom. I mean, I've never met him before, so he could be some petty brat, but I think looks pretty cute."

"You haven't met Tom yet?!?!" Zendaya shrieks. "You absolutely have to!! He's one of the coolest guys you'll ever meet. I actually think you'd hit it off really well." She smiles.
Inside, my stomach flutters with butterflies.

"Well, I'm still nervous to meet him. I don't know how to talk to people like him!!"
"Don't be nervous! He's super down to earth and sweet. Actually, there's a party tonight that would be a great opportunity for you guys to get to know each other. Want to go with me?"

"Yeah! That sounds so awesome!! Let's do it!" Little did I know what that night had in store for me.

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