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My name is (y/n) (L/n) I'm a snow god slayer, I'm 9 years old, my best friends are Zeref Dragneel which is 11 and Acnologia he's also 10.

"Hey (y/n)." Acnologia said hugging me "Hey Acn!" (Y/n) said in a happy tone hugging him back "(y/n) my name is Acnologia not Acn." Acnologia said rubbing his head "your names too long tho! Can't I just call you Acn?" Asked a certain (h/c) haired girl. "*sigh* fine (n/n) you can call me Acn for now at least" He say's irradiated, the (h/c) haired girl smiled with joy "yay!!! Thank you Acn!!!" (Y/n) said "ok ok (n/n) don't you need to get back to your father?" Acnologia asked sighing the (h/c) haired girl slowly nodded. "Then get going (n/n) you don't want to get in trouble again." He stated the girl smiled and hugged Acnologia "ok bye Acn! I'll see you in a few weeks!!" The girl said then walked off.

~~~~~~•~♡Acnologia pov~♡•~~~~~~~

After (y/n) left I went to see Zeref he said he had some type of plan, but I could care less about that it's probably something stupid like always. As soon as I got to the 'Magic library of all knowledge' "Acnologia what toke you so long?" Asked an irradiated Zeref "O nothing just playing with some friends, you'd know what it's like if you had any." I said smirking at him "are you saying that I don't have friends? Is that what your on about?" Asked an uninterested Zeref "*sigh* what is this plan your own about?" I asked him just to get this over with "well I've found out how to turn someone into a dragon if your up for it, if your not I'll still make you." Said a smirking Zeref "alright how?" I asked "go join the army become a dragon slayer and bath in there blood kill there kind till you transform into one, simple." He said smirking "if it's so simple then you do it." I said turning then leaving him in that place, like I'll do that.

   ~~~~~~•~♤Zeref's pov♤~•~~~~~~~

Too bad Acnologia I've done signed you up for it and you can't get out of this now, well I might as well go and get some more ingredients for my potion. all I can do is wait and watch how this will go down.

Time skip just because I can

Your now 17, Zeref is 19, Acnologia is 18

   ~~~~~~~~~Your pov~~~~~~~~~~

Well I've mastered snow god slayer magic I'm now practicing how to control others, and dark magic once (g/n) God name found out he/she bashed me, but it doesn't matter anyway it won't take long to master them I'm confident in my power. But first thing first I need to go to the library of magic too read some books.

     ~~~~~~~Zeref's pov~~~~~~~~

It seems I've missed some some calculations in my project too bring back Natsu, so I'm going back to the Magic library for some more information on recarnation on someone. "Who are you?" I asked the girl "humph like I'd tell you." She said in a rude voice "*sigh* just tell me your name." I asked once again I hate having to ask twice "fine my name is (y/n) (L/n), now what is your name?" She said/asked slamming her book shut. "I'm Zeref Dragneel." I told her "Zeref is it next time you talk to me when I'm reading I'll kill you." She stated angrily "of course princess." I said smirking at her, she just rolled her eyes, she could be fun to toy with.

   ~~~~~~Acnologia's pov~~~~~~~

I was on my was to Zeref so I can give him my report, but I didn't expect to see (n/n) with him, "(Y/n)! What are you doing here with him?!?!" I yelled at her for the first time "um hello too you too Acnologia." She said like it's no big deal sighing I turned my attention too Zeref who was also reading "Zeref I have your stupid report for you." I told him "very good just give it to me and leave." He said "no first tell me what your doing with (n/n) then I'll give the report to you." I said " who's (n/n)? And your going to give it to me now Acnologia." He said in a mad tone "(n/n) is (Y/n)'s nickname I use for her and I'm not giving it to you yet." I told him getting sort of mad at him "well I'm doing nothing with (Y/n) we where just talking that's all." He stated "alright here is the report but if you hurt her then I'll kill you Zeref." I said picking  (y/n) up and leaving the Magic library.

~~~~~~~~Zeref's pov~~~~~~~~
He toke (y/n) from me, he toke her that's a massive mistake that he'll never do again, no one takes something that belongs to me! He should know that! "Acnologia I'm going to make your life a living hell."

Don't leave me: (Yandere) Zeref x readerWhere stories live. Discover now