Love Olympus (17)

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 The gun shot kept echoing in my mind.

 I couldn't even sleep as I kept waking up and flinching. The thought of Ruby killing herself en raveled me with bottomless pit at the base of my stomach. My hands were shaking uncontrollably so I put them between my thighs. The warmth that exuded from my skin. It didn't help yet calmed the shaking.

I was breathing out of my nostrils as the panic embraced my fingertips. I laid there trying to put everything together inside my mind, but it devoured into a pool.

"You okay?" Clark suddenly asked.

"Um-yeah," I stuttered quickly. "I'm just..."

"Venus.." He muttered.

I stopped breathing for a mille-second and closed my mouth. My lips were dry as a bone and my throat was charred with thirst.

"I'm so cold," I whispered, the tears coming out like a broken pipe. "I'm so cold.." I placed a shaking hand on my mouth.

I killed you..

Ruby, I thought. That was just it. She left something behind in that stadium that scared the hell out of Bruno. The way his smile faded so slowly like winter was caught stealing by scorching sun.

I closed my heavy eyes. They felt like lead as if pasted on to my face. My skin didn't even feel like mine anymore it felt foriegn. What was I doing here...? I kept asking myself. Why... Me..?

Releasing the held breath I started to hyperventilate as my breathing quickened through sharp gasps. It was too late to fake the break down. I was already exposed as a awake Clark listened on.

I heard the bed beside me grumble as Clark moved towards my side. He smoothly wrapped his arms underneath my neck and around to flip me towards me. Limp and possibly no type of energy left I let my body dangle with his sway.

I grasps urgently onto his shirt as I dug my face into his chest. This was nothing about Clark and I. This was more then both of us. I needed someone and he understood that. The desperate hold on his shirt was a huge sigh of relief between my gasps for air.

I kept imagining myself drowning in that pit of darkness. The gun shot slicing my head, but instead it claimed Ruby. She pulled the trigger. She ended her life not wanting something else doing it for her.

I didn't scream when all the pieces came together. I didn't scream as the stadium hushed with a horrifying silence. The feeling of my pupils getting smaller and smaller as the pit laughed.. and laughed.. and laughed.

"Hey you're okay, sshhh.." Clark murmured rubbing my arms.

I killed you...

"I can't breathe.." I hiccuped and sniffed at the same time. "I don't know-"

"Calm down-breathe," Clark breathed in and out to insinuate. "You're okay."

"I'm-I'm okay," I stuttered.

"You're okay," I could hear the smile in his voice.

"I'm okay," i half sobbed half laughed awkwardly.

"Now you sound crazy," Clark chuckled hugging me tighter. I laughed and hiccuped in his shirt trying to put myself together, but the more I forced it the worse it got.

"Let it out," he sighed. "Don't stop it. You've plugged yourself and now your overflowing."

"I can't be like this," I whispered. "The game-the last game is after tomorrow!"

"Let it all out now Venus and you'll be fine."

"I'm sorry.." I mumbled using my hands on his chest to move away. Clark grabbed my back and shoved me even closer. I my face somehow ended up on his shoulder as he leaned against the nape of my neck. It tickled and somehow telling him this information would just make things even more awkward between us.

Love OlympusWhere stories live. Discover now