Together Once Again.

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"Jem," Tessa whispered softly kneeling next to Jem's bedside. "Jem, I love you."

Tessa knew it was the day. The day she would bury the last remnant of her youth. Jem had come so far, survived so much, and now. Now was his time.

Tessa felt a tear run down her cheek. Jem slowly lifted his hand and wiped it away.

"Don't cry, love." He said, his voice hoarse, "I'll be back, if not in this form or another one I will be back."

She smiled weakly as she trailed her finger down his cheek.

Tessa remembered the days of their youth. Back when she was the girl behind the scrawled letters and he was the silver boy. She remembered his smile and the nights where he spent awake playing away at his much loved  violin.

"Tessa," Jem said, " Do not cry for me."

Tessa looked at Jem.

His once silver hair was now a very dark brown almost black with a streak of silver.

"James. How can I not? The last person that has been with me through everything is you." Her gray eyes bore into his dark brown ones which were once the color of a quarter, "Please James. Don't leave me."

James smiled weakly and help her hand, "Tessa. I will always be with you. Where I am going is a place I should have been long ago. It's just long over due."


"Tess. Listen to me. Where I am going, I will see my father. My mother. Henry. Charlotte. Jessamine. Sophie. Cecily. The Lightwood brothers." He paused. "I'll see Will."

Tessa looked at Jem. His eyes looked at her with the same loving look from years go. He and she never lost their affection for one another despite time.

"Jem. I love you. So much. You have been my savior in times in which I saw no hope. I love you James Carstairs. Don't forget that."

Jem grasped her hand in both of his, "And I you. Forever. But do not worry about me. For I am going to a better place where I will watch over you with William."

Jem kissed Tessa's hand.

"I love you, Theresa Gray. And I always will. When I wished for something grand, you came to me. I love you, Tessa."

Tessa felt pinpricks of tears forming, "I love you, Jem."

She placed her head on his chest and heard the beats of his heart slowly but firmly decrease. For a momen

When she could no longer hear anything she raised her head and saw something peculiar.

A red glow began to recede from Jem's thin white button up shirt.

Tessa unbuttoned the buttons and gasped.

The old parabatai rune, that once connected the boy with the messy black curls and the silver haired boy, was glowing a bright red. 

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