Can Do Forms

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When someone ask you; "can you help me this weekend?" (今週末、手伝っていただけますか?) Then you must know how to respond and say; "Sure, I can help you." (うん、手伝えるよ。). So, now, we're going to discuss about the can do forms or how to convert the verb into "can~" form.

•Can you help me this weekend?
  Konshu matsu tetsudatte itadake masuka?

-Sure, I can help you.
Un, tetsudaeru yo.

     Help      can help
   手伝う  ⇒ 手伝える
Tetsudau   tetsudaeru

-I can help you tomorrow.
Ashita, tetsudaeru yo.


    Run       can run
    走る  ⇒   走れる
hashiru   hashireru

-I can run fast!
Hayaku, hashireru yo.


Buy     can buy
買う ⇒ 買える
Kau      kaeru

-I can buy the cookie with my money.
Jibun no okanede ano cukki- ga kaeru yo.


Go             can go
行く   ⇒   行ける
Iku            ikeru

-I can go to beach tomorrow with you.
Ashita anatato isshoni bi-chi e ikeruyo.


Sleep     can sleep
寝る   ⇒   寝れる
Neru       nereru

-I can sleep with lights on.
電気が ついていても、寝れるよ。
Denki ga tsuite itemo nereru yo.


To convert the verb into "can~" form, you use the extra words at the bottom of each verb, "eru (える)".


   Eat             can eat
食べる   ⇒   食べれる
Taberu        tabereru

-I can eat even spicy food.
Karai mono demo tabereru yo.


Write     can write
  書く  ⇒   書ける
Kaku        kakeru

-I can write long essays.
Nagai sakubun ga kakeruyo.

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