6 .phc

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6 .phc


"No, it's just....." He said breathing hard. I rested my arm on his back comforting" him. I really wanted to know what upset him so quickly.

The mood of the room completely changed. It felt very melancholy, something drastic must have happened.

"My sister died yesterday." he managed to croak out. I never even knew he had a sister. The least I could do was comfort him at this moment. It is the most heartbreaking sight to see someone you love in pain.

He hugged me and cried into my chest. We laid like that for a couple of hours. I didn't mind, as long as it would help him. He needed me right now.

His sobs started to quiet down as he moved a little away from me. He sniffled and laughed.

"Sorry you had to see me like this, I just can't believe it." he said rubbing his temples with his finger tips.

I scooted closer. " I'm sorry, I can take you to see her?" I asked. He nodded and put on a shirt. As we walked out the door he grabbed my hand, and smiled at me.

I didn't know exactly where we were going so I just took him to his mom. He asked me to, she doesn't live too far away from us either so that was a plus.

We finally got there, I drove up the driveway. I don't know if his parents will like me but that's the least of my concerns at the moment. We get out at the same time and he grabs my hand again, in reassurance.

I smiled at him and walked to the door. After a couple of knocks a guy, a little older than Chris opened the door.

"What's up Bruh, I haven't seen you forever!" he said hugging him. Chris grabbed my waist and pulled me I front of him.

"This is Ryan." he spoke I could tell he was smiling.

"Well looky here. Nice to meet you Ryan, I am Dayn his older brother" he said shaking my hand. I smiled back in response.

"You must be special, he's never brought a girl to meet the family before." he said elbowing Chris.

I laughed watching Chris blush, then he started attacking Dayn. They were so cute. The bond between them was something I wish I had. Silently smiling they stopped and dragged me to the living room.

"Heyy, you must be Ryan? I've heard a lot about you." A woman said. Chris and Dayn looked exactly like her.

I smiled and hugged her. "Good things I hope?"

She laughed "Of course, Chris has never talked about a girl the he has about you." She whispered to me.

Blushing, I laughed shyly and put my head down. She walked over and hugged Chris, whispering something in his ear. He smiled and nodded.

Not thinking much of it I walked over to Dayn. " Umm.. Could I have a glass of water?" I asked.

"Yea, of course!" he said walking over to the kitchen. I followed him.

"Ya know, I'm really glad he's settled down. I know y'all don't go out yet but I can tell he likes you." he said getting a glass.

I laughed, "What makes you think that?"

"It's just the way acts around you. I can't tell if it's love yet, but I know my brother." he said taking his time to get the water.

"Yeah, we will see how that goes." I said with a smirk. He handed me the glass and we walked back to the living room. I sat next to Chris. He kissed me on my cheek as soon as I sat down.

I smiled sipping my water.

I sat there, watching them as they talked. I heard a lot about his sisters death and where the funeral would be.

After about a hour of conversing everybody said bye and we left.

"The funeral will be ok the weekend, so we won't miss school. Would you come with me Ryan?" He asked looking at me.

I nodded, "Of course.", he smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Thanks babe." he said.

I drove him back to his dorm where I walked him out. "Thanks again." he said.

"No problem, I'm always here. You know that" I said playfully pinching his arm. He nodded and kissed me.

"Night beautiful."

"Night Chris."


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