Italienisch Engel

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AN:Hi I'm Teddy! This is my very first fanfiction. I showed it to my friends and they agreed that it was good enough for the Internet. So please enjoy!:)

Constructive criticism is encouraged. The story will be updated every so many chapters. No promises on good grammer or spelling. Pairing: HRE/Fem!Italy (later on Germany/Fem!Italy), Prussia/Fem!Ita, France/Fem!Uk, America/Fem!Uk, AusHun, Spamano, Others later on.

WARNING: Romano's mouth, possible mentions of sex (mildly), character death, human names. AU.


Chapter 1:Felicia's P.O.V-

As I packed the last of my clothing and art supplies in my bag I look over at my older brother, Lovino. A scowl was painted on his face. His hazel eyes narrowed at me from his dark brown bangs.

"What are you looking at?" he snarled.

"Nothing. Just wondering if you were done." I replied. Loving has been like this for 3 weeks. After our Nonno ,Romulus, died we were told we had to move. To separate countries. I had to live with an Austrian man and his wife while Lovino lived with Antonio, an old family friend, in Spain. Needless to say Lovino was furious. I never knew that Lovino knew soapy curse words until we received the news.

"Hey!" Lovino snapped his fingers in front of my face, putting me back into reality.

"Yes?" I asked. He sighed, his face grim.

"Do you have everything packed?" his voice just as grim sounding.

"Yes." I replied quietly. We stood in silence for what seemed like years. A knock downstairs broke the silence. Lovino sighed again and grabbed his and my bag.

"Come on, let's not keep him waiting." he said, putting a lot of hatred behind the 'him'. We walked downstairs and sat the bags down by the front door. Lovino opened the door and ,there, stood a man with pale white skin, dark brown hair that was combed back (with a curl that was like mine and Lovi's but slicked back some) and violet eyes behind rimless-square glasses. The look he was giving us made me uncomfortable, like he was looking down on me. Like I was a bug beneath his boot. He wore a long, dark purple coat that reached his knees and a dress shirt was white and ruffled at the the collar with black dress pants and heeled boots that stop mid-calf. This was Rodrich, the Austrian noble whom I had to live with. He didn't look to friendly.

"I will give you 10 seconds to say goodbye. Rodrich said, his accent thick.


Lovino quickly turns to me and hugs me tightly, like if he lets go I'll fall into an invisable abyss.

"I promise," he whispers in Italian so only I can understand him.


"I'll find you,"


"and we will be together again." Lovino finishes his voice quiet.


He lets go and holds my shpulders to look in my face. He showed no emotion as he kissed my forehead and stepped back.


Rodrich put away his pocket watch and grabbed my arm.

"Come on it will be a long trip back to Austria." and with that I was being dragged to a black carriage. One the side was an emblem, a grey shild with the letter 'E' in gold in the middle. I looked back at Lovino.

'I'm sorry. I promise.' Lovino mouthed at me.

'Ti amo, frettello.' I mouthed back. Then I was put in the carriage and the door closed.


AN: I hoped you enjoyed my first chapter to my story, oh dear great reader!


German: Italienisch Engel (Italian angel)

Italian:Nonno (grandfather)

Ti amo, frettello (I love you, brother)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2014 ⏰

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