Slenderman & the dream

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Last night, on January 8 2017, I had a dream. Now, before I had fell asleep, I heard ringing. It was so loud, I never thought I'd fall asleep. But eventually, I did and this is my dream I had.

I was in the woods near my house, at the bottom by the stream. It was night, but the moon was full, providing me enough light to see clearly. I felt a tall presence to my right, and when I look over, Slenderman is walking peacefully beside me.

"Where are we going?" Id asked him. I wasn't afraid, so there was no fear to show. He didn't say anything, just mearly glanced down at me. When we got to the cement tunnel, I went first, but when I turned around, he wasn't there.

I didn't panic, however. I just continued on my way. When I came out of the tube, however, it wasn't the same forest. Instead, I was in a clearing, and toward the back was a large black mansion. I looked around for Slenderman once more, and he was back at my side again. His hands held politely behind his back.

He lead me forward, towards the mansion. When we got close to the front, I saw what must've been 30 creepypastas, all scattered about the front porch. None of them looked hostile, they actually looked welcoming. Like they were happy i was here. I even saw Insanity, the newest pasta. She looked the most excited.

I help and smirk a little to myself. Slenderman had perched himself on the bottom stair and held out a hand.  "Welcome, Dark Angel."

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