Closed? (Chapter 2)

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Xx Aphmaus POV xX

I just got up amd its only 2am, but im really not sleepy. I got out of bed and went downstairs to make some breakfast for when Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan wake up. I grabbed the eggs, cloud and milk and make some pancakes for us all, I them then walked into the living room and turned on the 24/7 news channel. I watched that until about 7am. Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan came down and grabbed some pancakes out of the fridge (Refrigerator) and say down next to me. It was all really boring until a story came up about Freddys. We all began to pay attention now. I was really nervous and the girls were too, I could sense it.

News Reporter: And now, we are looking at Freddy Fazbears Pizzaria, according to many customers Freddys has been a place were the animatronics look dangerous and almost look angry, some have even said that the eyes from the animatronics seem to be filled with jealousy and the eyes have follwed the   children. It almost seems that all the animattonics are jealous of the children, ecept for the Marrionette. She seems to have hope and love in her eyes, unlike all the others. However, due to the fact that all the animatronics seem to scare the children, well all minus the marionette, Freddy Fazbears Pizzaria is going to be shut down by the end of this week. Sunday at 9:30 will be the last time any customer is aloud into Freddys until and further notice. Thats all for now about Freddys so lets move onto the Chicken and Rice crisis.

I shut off the T.V, what about the kids? What about all of us animatronics? What's going to happen to us. scared... i felt the salty tears dripping down my cheeks. I felt my heart drop to my feet. I felt my knees getting weaker. I felt myself drop to the floor. I cried. I sobbed. I screamed. I dont care what happens to me, i care about the kids. There still only 8 and 9 year olds for Irenes sake!!!! They get bored!! Of corse there jealous of tge other kids!! Who woudnt be!! Ugghhh i just hope we can find a way to free their souls... we need ti kill the purple guy. So that means... we need to find him... well at least the kids wont be too bored now... But.... i vant kill....
No i HAVE to!! He killed the kids... but its wrong...... no he deserves it..... Wait..... Aphmau cant kill.... but Mari can.

Aph: Hehehehe call me Aphmau..... i dont want you to have a freind who kills.
Kate: A-Aphmau.... is your OTHER half going to kill someone...?
Aph: Yes, yes she is......

A/N  hope yall liked it!!! Thanks for being so patiant ehen i couldnt access my account!! I love you all have a great day and..... BAI UNICORNS!!!! XXXX 💖💖💖💖💖🦄🦄🦄🦄

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