Meeting Daniel

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It was my time to go. My parents didn't know I was leaving, I played out as if I were actually going to show up for my rugby game. My mother made me golden crisp strawberry pancakes. My favorite on game day. Even though I knew I wasn't showing up to the game, I still needed that extra energy for the long day ahead of me. I was going to take the train to London, and use the extra pence in my piggy bank for the jet ride to Scotland. There was an art program I was interested in for my parents had always held me accountable for the makings of the king and queens art shown in their gallery room above the ballroom. I wanted to go to the Moray School of Art. They had many art programs I was interested in abc being accepted was no problem. I had exceptional grades in school. I was in the top five of my class as well. I was in second for Meredith Hensling, the duke's daughter always had it out for me. Every since we were children. She always had to one up my papers, in writing and physics and trigonometry.
I kissed my parents goodbye as a sign of respect for the breakfast they had provided for me. I handed Maria, our maid, the dishes I had dirtied so she could wash off the residue and other bacteria. I cleaned my plate spotless always but my mother always had a disliking to left over bacterias on my tongue. I wore my nice pink satin dress with a white lace sweetheart neckline.
"Why the fancy attire?" My father asked. "Do you or do you not have rugby today?"

"Yes father I do," I kept my head up and a smile on my face for I knew any signs of rudeness I brought to my fathers attention I would never be able to leave the house.

"Then where are your things?" My mother asked walking up and touching my shoulder lightly. "You will need them as I will not allow my daughter to ruin such nice attire."

"Mother I promise I have my things, I shall be late if you keep me any longer. May I leave?" I asked sounded as polite as ever. My mother exchanged a look with my father and she smiled wide.
"Of course dear, but be back by 10, no later."
"I know mother"
And I left.
I hurried to the train stop trying not to get my shoes muddy. I gave the man my money. He looked up at me.
"Ma'am this is not enough"
I looked at the money "there should be forty pence there sir" I said trying not to be too stern with the man for the women of Bristol were to respect their gender opposites.
"Yes there is," I smiled. "But forty pence is not enough to get you to Elgin, you need at least one hundred twenty."
"I do not have the money," I frowned.
"Let me make you a proposal sweet child. Would you like to go on this train ride?" He asked. There was a smirk on his face. I didn't know what it was about but I wanted to go to Elgin.
"Yes I do" I responded very politely.
"Go to the back car of the train, wait for me." He grinned some more and I became nervous but I wanted the train ride so I did as he told me. People watched me as I shuffled to the back. Some people gave dirty looks, but I had no clue as to why. I waited for the conductor to get to the back. As he walked in, he locked the door behind him. I sat there frightened trying not to show my fear.
"Alright dear, ready to earn that extra 80 pence??" He grinned as he unzipped his trousers. I sat there, eyes wide. I knew what I had to do, but I wasn't ready for it. I took a deep sigh as I agreed to earning what I needed. Twenty minutes later, my pink satin dress lay on the floor of the car, and I wiped my few tears away.
"You can sit in the back, that's all you earned." He explained. I wiped my face with my handkerchief as I sat at the back of the train.
10 hours later he announced our arrival to the London Air Service. I grabbed my things as I moved off the train with the rest of the crowd not making eye contact with the conductor when everyone else thanked the man for the ride. I got dirty looks for that as well. As I waited for the trolley to get me to my port, I felt as if someone was watching me.  I turned different directions every so often in fear. I asked people around me if they felt the same way but they all just thought I had lost it. Later on I heard a voice, 'come with me'.
I replied 'no'. I felt whoever it was finger inch up the zipper of my dress.
The next thing I knew I was in the back of a car with a gag in my mouth.
"Where are you taking me?" I demanded an answer.
"You'll see," he grinned. I thought at that point the conductor had stolen me. But I was wrong.
"Can you at least tell me your name?" I asked.
"It's Daniel. Daniel Walker. You work for me now." He said.
I work for him?
"We need to get to the end of town." He pulled over and looked back. He wore an eyepatch on one eye, his other eye was emerald green and he had black hair.
"Get up front."
I did as I was told.
"What do you want from me?" I asked.
"Directions to Manchester, can you do that?" He asked. He was polite for a man who was holding me captive.
"Yes I can"
"Then where are we headed?"
I looked at my surroundings.
"Towards the river"
"Thank you"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2017 ⏰

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